What is it with dweebs on YouTube?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
Gulf Coast FL
I'll save you 8 minutes of BS, just start at 8:00 and watch this tool bag exaggerate the recoil and lift the rifle after it has already recoiled. I thought he might have rolled back on his foot or something from a bad position after the first shot so paid closer attention… NOPE. Was hoping it was a joke to be funny but in the comments he says it was real 😂
Academy Award winning reaction to recoil....

Say it with me people....Wannabe...Social media has made everyone a "Star"

It's wrecking this sport, and these forums as well...very little useable info is being posted....only Wannabe's

Give me an Real Shooter with NO "Tech literacy", or urge to post everything on Social media...(for attention and monetization)

The Real Shooter types out the facts, and shares experiences on a forum...maybe posts some pics, and that's it...period.

Something we can learn from, not laugh at.
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Being in the transmission repair business, I get to deal with you tube inspired customers all too often. There is some great information out there. But there is a lot more videos of idiots that want to see themselves on you tube. I have had customers that tell me I should do you tube videos about repairs. I tell them to blow it out their bunghole.
acting patrick stewart GIF
I'll save you 8 minutes of BS, just start at 8:00 and watch this tool bag exaggerate the recoil and lift the rifle after it has already recoiled. I thought he might have rolled back on his foot or something from a bad position after the first shot so paid closer attention… NOPE. Was hoping it was a joke to be funny but in the comments he says it was real 😂

Now that's some Bovine Anal Seepage... all right.
It's not hard to understand the saying; "the baby died but the
placenta lived on" 🥴 Cheers
I need to get another Go Pro. My last one is somewhere deep in the woods. It got knocked off my helmet by a tree limb while riding my dirt bike. You can capture some really funny stuff without having to pull out your phone. The guy in the video needs to have someone view them before he posts them. He looked ridiculous with his accentuated recoil response.