Viper pst review

A couple of guys on another forum received their scopes this week and they were less than impressed with the overall quality and value. One of them can see the blue protective plastic in the scope on 1/4 of the lens. The assembly person did not pull the stuff completely off the lens during assembly. More made in China crap?
A couple of guys on another forum received their scopes this week and they were less than impressed with the overall quality and value. One of them can see the blue protective plastic in the scope on 1/4 of the lens. The assembly person did not pull the stuff completely off the lens during assembly. More made in China crap?

Did you find every positive thread on this scope and copy and paste this to it :rolleyes: Dude, every major brand of optic has put out some bad QC from time to time, if you really dig you might find that US Optics has has some rough times but they stood by there customers and fixed there product. Vortex, from there reputation so far will fix any QC problems. You can find crappy product built in every nation on this globe!
Did you find every positive thread on this scope and copy and paste this to it :rolleyes: Dude, every major brand of optic has put out some bad QC from time to time, if you really dig you might find that US Optics has has some rough times but they stood by there customers and fixed there product. Vortex, from there reputation so far will fix any QC problems. You can find crappy product built in every nation on this globe!

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