Trophy Desert Big Horn Sheep Hammer Video

Very nice, congratulations on the spectacular animal. May I ask why that ram was chosen over the 2nd ram in the video? I have not ever hunted or scouted for sheep so just learning from others. The other ram to the right in the video looked to be more full curl but possibly less mass? Once again no judging just curious the thought process when hunting and evaluating sheep.
Very nice, congratulations on the spectacular animal. May I ask why that ram was chosen over the 2nd ram in the video? I have not ever hunted or scouted for sheep so just learning from others. The other ram to the right in the video looked to be more full curl but possibly less mass? Once again no judging just curious the thought process when hunting and evaluating sheep.
He had way more mass than the one with the fuller curl. We watched them for quite a while judging them. There are 4 mass measurements along with the length measurement. The length of the curl didn’t outweigh the mass measurements to us.
He had way more mass than the one with the fuller curl. We watched them for quite a while judging them. There are 4 mass measurements along with the length measurement. The length of the curl didn’t outweigh the mass measurements to us.
That’s what I was guessing was the reason. Never being in that position I wasn’t sure if my logic after thinking about it was correct. Beautiful animals regardless and a special thing to be part of. Thank you for the answer