To continue or start from scratch


Active Member
Apr 21, 2020
Northern California
Hey everyone. First time posting but I’ve been lurking for awhile now. Love reading all the knowledge you guys share so I thought I’d throw my question out there.

I’m a southpaw that has gotten by most my life with right handed bolts. I have a few left handers in the safe but they’re all cheaper light weight or varmint rifles.

I wanted to get into the long range game so while I was working at a local sporting goods store, I took an opportunity and got a smoking deal on a right handed Browning x bolt long range stalker in 6.5 creedmoor (I fell for the peer pressure, but so far am pleased with this cartridge) and a Leupold VX-3i LRP. This rifle immediately shot great groups and I’ve had a chance to take it out to 500yds a few times with decent results. Since then I’ve also installed a Timney 1.5lb trigger.

My two complaints with this rifle is that because it is right handed, after every shot I have to undo my steady position behind the rifle to cycle the bolt and then spend the next 30 seconds or longer trying to find that comfy resting position. Having a lefty bolt would make follow up shots much quicker and more consistent I would imagine.

My second complaint with the rifle is the sporter style stock that it came with. It’s difficult to get a solid, comfortable grip when shooting prone, or even off the bench. I would love to upgrade the stock to something with a vertical grip but as of now the only company that offers stocks for x bolts (at least that I’ve found) is McMillan.

So now for my question.. should I continue to upgrade this rifle or would I be better off putting my funds towards something southpaw? And if I were to switch, what rifle would you suggest?
I would not spend any thing else on it put some money back and start compiling the pieces and parts to build a nice left handed rifle that fits you correctly. In the mean time you can still play with this one seems you shoot it well
I agree. I am a righty but am left eye dominant so I shoot a bow and gun left handed (along with playing pool). I have two lefty customs with a third on order, one custom that is right bolt but is an ambi stock (I think game warden or game hunter) for more prone shots, and one that is my sons 6.5cr custom with RH short LOP that I shoot periodically.

With these guns I’m not too worried about which side the bolt is on but am more concerned with the stock fitting me. Finding the gun you want is a lot harder as a lefty but I would make sure the stock fits me.
Been through this before. I do some things left-handed and some things right-handed. Been shooting a rifle left-handed since I started (at 5 or 6), and for decades I only shot right-handed guns from the "wrong side". Several years ago I made the switch to left-handed bolt actions and I have only been mad at myself for not doing it sooner.

Yes, many customs are available in left-handed actions. But don't overlook factory options — especially ones that have good aftermarket support, such as a Tikka. I started with a LH Tikka and eventually upgrade stock, bolt, barrel, etc — all has been compatible with the left-handed action.
Yeah, another lefty here. I sold off all my right handed bolt actions a long time ago and now I only buy or build on left handed actions. It’s the only way to go imo.
If you like the x bolt I saw browning just released a classic hunter long range(I think that’s what it’s called) in left handed with an adjustable comb walnut stock, heavy barrel etc. Looks pretty sharp
Thanks everyone for the replies. Seems unanimous that I should begin another build. Idk if I’m ready to commit to the price of a custom build just yet. I’d like to get something within budget (around $1500) to practice with and make sure long range is something I’d like to continue investing in.
As you fellow lefties know, LH production rifles are few and far. Any suggestions for what’s out there?
Tikka, Bergara, Browning?

thanks again
I am very left eye dominant and shoot rifles left handed... (my right eye has severe astigmatism called kerataconus, left one has no astigmatism) All but one of my rifles are left handed. The right handed is a 1917 Enfield that I customized 40+ years ago (yes it would be worth more left alone now) that I will not sell.

I agree that left handed is the way to go, shooting my Enfield is a pain now.

Any of the brands you mentioned are good. The other place to look is for used ones that are in good shape (that is how I got my 338 Browning left handed)
Mark and Dark Timber, just saw your replies. I’ve shot a tikka before and have been very impressed with the accuracy to cost ratio. Then you start adding all the upgrades and pretty soon you’re looking at a custom priced gun🤣 do they offer a heavy barrel from the factory in LH?
The browning that I referenced in my first post does. And it’s available in a lot of the cartridges and twist rates that long range shooters want. Tikka has the ctr in lefty if you can find one, and it’s at the top of your price range. Bergara has the b-14 hmr In left hand for ~$1k that might be your best bet
I have several Savage's that work well and they are easy to change the barrel on. Montana Rifle Co, who is out of business now, has made several Left handed guns and they are several out there. Check gun broker. They are a Winchester Copy and I would not hesitate to buy one. Just know that they is no factory support.
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