Throat Erosion Recording Thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
Sulphur Springs, Texas
This is going to be my throat erosion recording thread. I'm going to state the caliber, powder, bullet, barrel, twist and grooves only. If any want to join in to record theirs that is fine. As I start new barrels I will record the original measurement in the first post. Post's after that I will quote the original post. Recorded by removing extractors and plunger and where the bolt just drops is what I am recording.

7mm SAUM N570 Berger 195 EOL Brux 8" Twist 4 Groove:

Original CBTO / COAL: 2.402" / 3.171"

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This is going to be my throat erosion recording thread. I'm going to state the caliber, powder, bullet, barrel, twist and grooves only. If any want to join in to record theirs that is fine. As I start new barrels I will record the original measurement in the first post. Post's after that I will quote the original post.

7mm SAUM N570 Berger 195 EOL Brux 8" Twist 4 Groove:

Original CBTO / COAL: 2.402" / 3.171"


50 Rounds CBTO / COAL: 2.403" / 3.172"

Not too bad for first 50. But I'm not shooting strings of shots either yet.
You could consider letting the reader know how you measured the CBTO (probably the Hornady device, but different approaches are out there). And for the real win, how about a series of borescope pictures? Teslong is cheap. I just don't shoot enough that such a "longitudinal" thread would have meaning until a decade had passed. But your idea is good. Hope you don't consider this comment to be "derailing"......
You could consider letting the reader know how you measured the CBTO (probably the Hornady device, but different approaches are out there). And for the real win, how about a series of borescope pictures? Teslong is cheap. I just don't shoot enough that such a "longitudinal" thread would have meaning until a decade had passed. But your idea is good. Hope you don't consider this comment to be "derailing"......
Good idea. I take the bore pics when I'm in the shop tomorrow. Too late on the original lol.
118 rounds CBTO: 2.404"

Adding there has been no more than 3 consecutive shots fired without letting the barrel cool.

Also adding pics of throat, leade and bore.





So after 118 rounds of N570 and Berger 195 EOL's the throat, leade and bore look surprisingly nice shape. The load currently is 68.9 grains and a Load CBTO length of 2.410" and a COAL of 3.174". This puts it into the lands around .006" currently. Powder at that charge weight is edging just past the shoulder/neck junction. The load has produced from 0.1 to 0.3 moa and only horizontal dispersion out to 650 yards with groups measuring just over 2" at that distance. Velocity has increased from original average velocity of 2,972 fps to 2,993 fps and holding its accuracy so I have a very wide node to play with.

I believe at this point I am going to cut another chamber exactly as this one to mimic it in a Benchmark 8" twist and 4 groove also in a 26" barrel. I am cutting a barrel for a friend with the same chamber in a 22" and I really think I will be at or just under 2900' with it.

195 28 nosler throws the 195 at 3,120 fps. 7 saum throws it at 2,993 fps. If I use a 1500 Ft-lbs as a minimum guide that makes my 28 nosler a 1,490 yd rifle and the 7 saum a 1,391 yd rifle. 99 yards of gain!!!!! Doesn't make any sense in using a barrel burning rifle when you can just use a 7 saum and get dang near the same results.

More than likely what is going to happen is I will use this brux as a long range target shooting barrel to play with and the Benchmark for my LRH setup. That away I can used the brass from the Brux in the Benchmark. When I need or want larger I will go with my 30 Nosler.......and yes I will be starting a thread similar using the 245 EOL in a 30 Nosler and a 300 saum comparison if ADG ponies up and makes our Lot of 300 SAUM brass. Fingers crossed.
3000fps with a 195 in a standard saum???? Dang that's some serious performance. Anything special with the throat other than a ton of freebore? + p maybe??