target rifle


Oct 22, 2012
hello i am new to this site and have a question about a gun. i am looking for a target rifle to use for 3-800 yards possibly further but i only have $500 +tax. i have read many other forums and they always suggest spending 1000s of dollars on a gun but i dont have that kind of money. im a college student who is broke i am just looking for a gun that will get me through college that i can use to lear how to read conditions. i already have a scope i just need the gun

my only true criteria is:
-bolt action
-acutrigger (or similar trigger styles ie: LBT, profire, ect)
-heavy barrel (either from the factory or the possibility to buy one later)
-less then $500
-.308 or similar caliber
-accurate ( at least moa or sub moa)

please help me
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I think savage is the only maker of the accutrigger, my suggestion is to go to their website and use the gunfinder to search for models with the accutrigger, including the heavy barrel, in any of the cartridges you would consider and then check MSRP, you might even be able to search by price but search up to $700 or so because you will be able to find everthing they show you at a discount.
Keep your eye out in the pawn shops. You might get a great deal on a used one of your choice.

Heavy barrel at sub $500, I think a remmy varmint is the only option. or a used gun
I'd go 223

You could go with a Stevens @ about $350, keep that $150 saved for the future heavy barrel.

If long range accuracy and consistency is your goal, a new stock is all but inevitable as well.
mosin nagant 91/30 $160.00 and they are good for 1000 yards i hit a 12" plate every time at 500yards :)
How many times was every time? What was your groups size? Could you hit that same sized target "every time" at 800 yards?

Id go savage something, usually very accurate, cheap, easy to do mods by yourself...etc
How many times was every time? What was your groups size? Could you hit that same sized target "every time" at 800 yards?

Id go savage something, usually very accurate, cheap, easy to do mods by yourself...etc

how many times was every time i would say 9 out of 10 times. i never shot it 800 yards but i know they are good for it.

take a look at this guy shooting 1000yards
[ame=]1,000 yards 1942 91/30 Russian Mosin-Nagant (P/U) sniper rifle - YouTube[/ame]
this is me shooting my 91/30 just after i finished it i shot it at 200 yards and 400 yards and this is with very little time behind the trigger.

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