Swaro Laserguide


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2004
Do you guys that own these carry bino's ? or Does the Laserguide work well as bino's as well ? Thanks
I carry binos too. The using one eye only thing fatigues my face pretty quick. If you don't experience the fatigue I do. You may get away with it.
binos too. The monocular is great glass if you don't happen to have your binos, or don't have time to use both, but the monocular lacks a lot in comparison. Be superb if swaro offered a combo
I leave the binos in camp during archery and rifle hunts. The Laserguide works great for me. If I was hunting really open areas I would carry binos, but the areas I've been hunting are pretty easy to scan with the Laserguide. There are a few canyons and clearcuts, but usually its 600 yards of visibility. Using a monocular doesn't bother me, but if I had to spend hours glassing in Eastern Oregon for mule deer then I would want binos or spotter.

One of the reasons I bought the Laserguide over the Leica was the optical quality since I knew that I would usually not have binos in the field. The other reason was that the Leica had trouble taking readings consistently at longrange whereas the Swaro worked almost every time, even without a solid rest.
I've gone with only the Swaro before on mountain hunts for black bear. Or if I take binoculars, I take the Swaro pocket sized 8x20s binoculars to save weight and space. When I hunt sheep I have a 15-45 Zeiss spotting scope and with that, sometimes I'll only take the Swaro LG - no binoculars. The clarity is just as good as the 8x30 SLC Swaro binoculars I own. But you are stuck with monocular vision with the Swaro Laserguide.
I am trying to upgrade my optics package and shave some weight off for my next elk hunt. I thought of going to compact binos and stay with my old rangefinder or maybe just packing the Swaro laserguide. Thanks guys
If you want the ultimate in performance and only want to carry one unit, buy a Leica Geovid. A fantastic binocular and rangefinder all in one! My 8x56 Geovid’s are a hunters dream! Fantastic low light binocular performance ,and 1300 yard ranging capability all in one. NJS
I am trying to upgrade my optics package and shave some weight off for my next elk hunt. I thought of going to compact binos and stay with my old rangefinder or maybe just packing the Swaro laserguide. Thanks guys

How far will you be ranging? If you are going to keep shots 1000 yards or closer and want to shave weight. Go with a pair of good compact binos and a chest strap ( I use 8x30 SLC Swaro's) and then a Leica 1200 CRF Rangefinder. It is very light and will fit in a shirt pocket.

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