swampworks bullets


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2009
Pocatello, ID
So should I be skeptical of the BC'S at swampworks. they list a 180 grn jlk vld at .735. Does anyone have experience with thes bullets

I'm assuming your talking about 7mm. I can't tell you whether it's legit or not. .735 is up there???...Berger's 7mm 180 Target VLD .659 maybe others might know and comment.

I asked basically the same question last year. You should find this good reading, including an article or two by Bryan Litz :)



PS.... if you go to JBM calcs and plug in Litz's stuff for the 180 Berger and 180 JLK, you'll see about a 3" diff in drop @ 1000 yds. Essentailly the same BC. My money is on Bryan's work and findings.
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Good read. Basically the same BC if I'm understanding of what Bryan wrote...Yes???
Why do you suppose neither Berger of Swampworks produce any bullets in the 338 caliber? Is it not enough market demand or ???
Why do you suppose neither Berger of Swampworks produce any bullets in the 338 caliber? Is it not enough market demand or ???

I think it's probably very challenging to make a bullet of that size in a J4 jacket. My guess is that when Berger comes out with the 338 it will be a modified jacket along the lines of their thick target bullets. Just a guess, I could be wrong.
I have been wondering this same question myself. However I came across boretech bullets they make bullets for the 338's and the 50 cal and that is it. In the 338 they make a 245 grain bullet with a bc of .869. This is pretty amazing. So I sent them an email about these bullets when I was going to build a 338rum. Boretech told me that the bullets worked great on big game at extended ranges with match grade percision.
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