Sunday Morning Success!


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2012
So the youth antlerless deer season opened friday at noon so after school we went to a couple places where we saw deer the night before.

Didnt shoot at anything friday night or saturday morning because the deer were always one step ahead of us. But saturday night we saw a doe and a fawn at 550 yards and we had the 338 Lapua with us so i got set up, looked at my drop chart, then realized i only made it to 500 yards. So i dialed in my elevation for 500 yards and added another 3.75 MOA up. I shot and the first shot was high so i aimed about 6" below her chest and shot again and again it went a little high. I think i shaved her back for her on the last shot!:D

So we got up this morning at 5:30 to get back to where we were the night before and as the sun peeked over the hill we spotted two small bucks, a 3x2 and a spike. So we kept glassing and saw three does come over the hill at about 300 yards. We ran over to a little ridge that would give us a shot at about 100 yards and sure enough we popped our heads over the ridge and saw the doe and two fawns. The doe hopped the fence and was quartering toward me slightly and walking so i laid my gun on a fence post and i waited until my crosshairs went on the crease behind her should and i sent a 145 grain Barnes LRX toward her but as i shot she took a step so i hit her about 5" farther back then i would have liked. She wobbled about 10 yards and tipped over.

When we were gutting her there were seeds, and grass, and everything she ate that morning all the way where the heart and lungs were. The bullet took a tennis ball size chunk out of her liver. There was a 2" exit and a 1" entrance hole. Here is a couple pics. The pic with the knife in it is the exit on the inside of the ribcage, the bullet hit a rib on the way out. The entrance was 1" on the inside of the ribcage.

And i apologize that she wasnt tagged in the pics with me and my broother in it. she was tagged imediatly after that.
here are the pics. The bullet hole closer to the shoulder is the entrance.


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kool shoot Riley. White-tail steaks on the table for sure. Two rules I have for critters; don't let 'em suffer and don't waste meat if you don't have to. You did well.
Thanks Lefty, it was a blast. I still have my bow tag to fill and we are going to wyoming for speed goats in 3 weeks so im pretty excited for that.

Im wanting to shoot an antelope with the Lapua.

Then we have elk in wyoming and colorado, muzzle loader for ND. should be a good year.

BTW: the area we shot the doe has about 10 white tail bucks in it so we are going to hunt there for the muzzleloader tag.
Great job Riley, Did you shoot her with the 338 lapua or something else ? I was just curious as to what bullet you used ? [145lrx ?]
Thanks, Yep 7mm-08 shooting the 145 grain LRX at 2737 fps. Its not screaming but it shot really good so thats the load i chose. I have about 75 140 grain TTSX but i won a box of the LRX in a Barnes facebook contest so i decided i would hunt with them this year and judging by the internal damage on this doe they should give good performance on an elk if i dont get a chance to get the Lapua set up for a long shot
Nice job Riley!! I take it you are the guy with the bigger smile. Looks like your brother was not as happy about the 5:15 alarm.:D

Good job my friend, can't wait to see you with that elk this year.gun)

I'm the one holding the does head up. The one smiling is my 10 y/o brother.:D I dont know why i wasnt smiling?!?! Must have been because my face was numb from the 20 mph winds in the 45* temp.:Dgun)
I'm the one holding the does head up. The one smiling is my 10 y/o brother.:D I dont know why i wasnt smiling?!?! must have been because my face was numb from the 20 mph winds in the 45* temp.:Dgun)

Ha! Ok sorry bout the mix up there. I guess you still had your " Killer all Business" face on. Cool!!

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