Stockade stocks


Active Member
May 9, 2009
Washington St
I had Kevin build a 7WSM for me n it's awesome! Who else has one from him. Having trouble with pic will retake n attach. Let's seeum....
Still waiting on mine from him. Had him build me a stock, was very impressed with his customer service, so ordered a barrel. My rifle is at Stockade waiting for the barrel to come in. So far it's been an awesome experience.
Here is the 6mm Norma BR. Kevin built for me. I love it and it is very accorate: :):)

#1 target = 3 shots at 400 yds.
#2 target = 3 five shot groups at 1,000 yds. scores & group sizes in lower left.
#3 target = 5 shots at 200 yes.


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This Stockade talk is getting me anxious to get my rifle from him. Looks like I have at least a month to go, unless my barrel gets in sooner.... totally stoked for getting it and starting load testing, just in time to have things all set for deer season
Here is my Stockade poker. 7wsm on a long Savage action, Benchmark 26" barrel, Muscle Brake and Prairie Dog Special stock. I shoot 175g SMK and get tight repeatable 3 shot groups. Kevin builds a nice shooter but hurry up and wait. I am a happy customer. Here are a few target pics during range card development.


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Sorry, old post but I thought it might be fun to see some more of Kevin's work. FYI, mine is still shooting great!:)
I'd like to show you some, but I've been waiting on a stock for him since Jan 3rd. Almost 9 month's freaking ridiculous.
Not sure, but I think Kevin is involved with SSS ( Sharp Shooter Supply ) so he's probably inundated with orders.


PS: They both are the best Savage guys out there. IMHO.
I'd like to show you some, but I've been waiting on a stock for him since Jan 3rd. Almost 9 month's freaking ridiculous.

Yup I hear ya on the long wait. My wait was more than expected, but it shoots so good. See my groups in the pics above. It shoots so consistent, assuming I don't blow it! This was my first custom rifle and the wait was worth it based on performance. :cool:
Yup I hear ya on the long wait. My wait was more than expected, but it shoots so good. See my groups in the pics above. It shoots so consistent, assuming I don't blow it! This was my first custom rifle and the wait was worth it based on performance. :cool:

Kevin be gooood huh. SSS can do your bolt like mine.



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Not sure, but I think Kevin is involved with SSS ( Sharp Shooter Supply ) so he's probably inundated with orders.


PS: They both are the best Savage guys out there. IMHO.

They used to work together. There was a falling out many years ago, and Kevin left and opened his own shop.

They are the only two that I'd send a Savage action to.

Kevin's stocks are great and can't be beat for the money.
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