Springfield Armory scopes


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2002
Hi all, I just signed up at this forum and I am impressed with the experience many of you possess. I was wondering if anyone has had experience with the Springfield armory 10x mil dot government scope. I guess they are probably not as good as a Leupold but I am looking for a sturdy 30 mm tube long-range scope to put on my new Sendero 338 UM. I was thinking of the Springfield because of its adjustable objective, fixed power and mill dots and relative low cost as compared to a VariX-III. Does anyone have any experience with these scopes? Will they handle the recoil? How about their optical quality? Any suggestions on an alternative? I am trying to stay below the $500 mark.

My father has a GenII and GenIII in 4-14x56 or something like that. It has the rangefinding reticle for 308win. The scope itself seems solid, the lighted reticle (GenIII) works great but the optical clarity is not what it should be. I would take another Leopold 3-10 or 4.5-14 or whatever instead, at least they're clear and bright even if they aren't the very top shelf material you get for $1000 or more. My father loves the thing and is buying a third one this summer. I swear I'm going to buy him a Nightforce 5.5-22, he'd never go back.
Yeah I figured they wouldn't be as nice as a Leopold but I will need something that will let me identify a deer/elk at 500 to 1500 yards. I am practicing my long range shooting and while I am not good enough to take an animal at 700+ I hope to eventually be able to.
How about some other brands to consider? Tasco SS 10X42 fro $299. Lots of adjustment and pretty good optics. Will be using mine to over 1 mile.

Bushnell Elite 4200 or 3200 scopes. Very good optics. Most have around 50 min of adjustments. With a shimmed base, you can easily get to 1000yds and beyond. Very well priced too. I own several. Best optics for my eyes.

They just released a 10X mil dot 3200series scope with turrents. I am guessing there would be about 50min of adjustments so with the dots could easily go to 1500yds (use a shimmed base, and sig rings). Very well priced.

Burris Fullfield or even the Black Diamond line. never owned one but they have a solid reputation.

If you are willing to consider a shimmed base or Burris Sig rings with inserts, then you can look at almost any brand of scope. As long as you have an elevated zero, any scope will have the adjustment to go 1000yds+

Good luck...

I was looking at the Tasco 10x42SS but I thought Tasco was going out of buisness, and yes my base has a 20 MOA cant. I am really thinking about the Burris Black Diamond scopes, they seem to have a good rep.
I just checked the Bushnell catalog and that tactical 10x model 3200 is supposed to have 100 minutes of adjustment.
I have one ordered, will keep you guys informed as this might be a good little LR scope. Looks like the old B&L Tactical turrets from the picture I saw.
Most guys are somewhat hesitant as you generally get what you pay for with optics, but 3200 are pretty good scopes. Those 3200 tacticals are selling for around 180 bucks in the U.S. and 350 or so in Canada.
Ian, if you want a good deal on the 3200 10X, contact Higginsonpowder in Ont. 613-632-9300 ($257 Cdn). Good guys, good prices.

I doubt that that scope would have 100min. as it is only a 1" tube. The rest of the 3200 family only has 50 min. Even then with the mil dots, it will give you around 86min of elevation. Been looking at them too, so would appreciate some feedback.

Good luck...

with out an adjustable objective will the tactical 10x model 3200 be able to focus on long range targets? sorry if this is a stupid question I don't know that much about these scopes.
I am guessing that the 3200 will be "focused" at infinity so should be OK over quite a range of distances. Will let you know when I get a chance to try one out.
I can't explain how that little scope is supposed to have so much adjustment, hope to find out soon. We have been having problems with the 4200 6-24 running out of adjustments, when it is on a 20 moa base it was 9" high at 100 yards.
Those turrets in the catalog picture look like the old B&L Tactical turrets, they were about as good as any as far as I am concerned.
Like most fixed power scopes, parallax will be set around 100 to 150yds. However, anything further will be in focus so parallax is not an issue. Closer targets may be blurry but who shoots under 150yds anyway (how about 90% of all hunters). Parallax at shorter range will also be so small that it does not affect accuracy.

With my experience with B&L products, optics should be very good. The tracking should also be excellent. Ian, let us know how it turns out.

The 6X24 4000/4200series scopes only have 26min of adjustments. I use Burris sig rings and inserts to shim up the scope so that I get to use all the adjustment. Like yourself, my scopes are "bottomed out" or shooting high at 100yds.

With a flat shooting mag., 20 to 25min should get you all the way to 1000yds with a 100yd zero.

Big adjustment only matters once you get past 1000yds.

Good luck...

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