Springfield Armory Riflescope???


Jul 7, 2003
Have someone tried Springfield Armory 4-14x56 with mildot??

Bad or God???
Yup, I had one, nuf said!

The tube seemed to be quite thin and fragile compared to other high(er) dollar scopes I've owner.

[ 07-08-2003: Message edited by: Dave King ]
Have HAD 2 of them, 1 I bought, the other a replacment which took over 9 months to get and lots of hounding, and the 2nd one failed as well. Key word being HAD!!

Try the night force, More money but you will never be sorry.

Oh, by the way, I have dropped this scope (night force) and hit it many times in many ways, it has slid down rock slides and chutes on mountain sheep hunts, I even backed over it and my rifle with my truck, (on accident) and I have NEVER had to resight it in. The tracking is also perfect, and much smoother and refined.

[ 07-08-2003: Message edited by: Michael Eichele ]

[ 07-08-2003: Message edited by: Michael Eichele ]
I have the 6-20x56 government model on my 300 ultra and love the scope. I find it very useful to have the crosshairs in the first focal plane. This means that you can use the mildots on any magnification. I don't know the 4-14 may be different but mine is very rugged. I only like the mildots and I don't care for their other designs. I have also found that it tracks very well and repeats as well. I actually fell straight on mine walking across a small bit of ice and just happened to bail. The scope went through the ice. I was in disbelief that it was still in one piece. I tried it out later and found that the scope doesn't miss a beat. Gee I must have got the good one!!!
I had the 6x42 and 10x56 compared both to my Leupolds and decided even the VXIIs have better optics. Sold both Springfields on ebay. I would rate the Springfield equivalent to the Bushnell Elite3200 series but the 3200 have better prices.
Wow,some serious bashing on springfield.I happen to be one of the lucky ones.I have a 10x56 illuminated mil dot that I have nothing but praise for.It has proved rugged and holds its zero very well.This isnt the first negative comments I've seen on these scopes.I just dont understand it ,my scope is a quality piece of glass,and there the only ones i've seen with an internal bubble level.Just my .02.............CC
I am also in the HAD categorie, just did not work like it should have for the money they want. Illumination was buggered right from the start, tracking was unreliable, optics so-so. Like the little bubble, nice idea but it was about all I trusted.

NXS was the answer.
Hey Captain I am with you. My 6-20x56 springfield has been flawless!!! It is clear and tracks perfect and I mean absolutely perfect. The only options they don't have on this cream puff are side focus and an arpeture like the signature series burris which is helpful in bright mid day sun. Wow mine works so good I would almost not believe that people could have trouble with theirs. Captain and I must have got the only two good scopes they made!!! I will have to get another one to see if that's true!!!
I own three of them, one on my 300 weatherby with about 800 rounds, another on my 300 ultra with 1480 rounds, the other on my 308 with 430 rounds all so far without one problem must be another lucky three?!!
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