Agree 10 X.
However, if the COST of failure to identify the # of legal points on a CO ELK in the first and last 15 min of shooting time is a loss of $3,000 or more you might want to learn from my mistake (all my hunts are DIY). I traded the final ELK hunt of my life, some day soon($$$ wise), for a ZEISS-VICTORY-DIAVARI-4-16X50-T-FL. In 2010 it and the Swk. Z6 cost $2,200. I tested them both at dark against my $710 2008 version_ VX III LR 4.5-14x50 BC. The Bull I had to let walk at 100yd, with 3-5 min left in shooting hours, would have rode home with me that night had I purchased either originally.
My stuff: DEC. 2008
New TIKKA T3 SS lite 338WM =$575
New 2008 VX III LR 4.5-14x50 BC=$710
My stuff: DEC. 2010:
New ZEISS-VICTORY-DIAVARI-4-16X50-T-FL. / Rapid Z 800=$2,200
(Traded piggy bank $$ for that last ELK hunt to prevent ID failure again.)
lightbulbIf the above
could not happen in your life in the all means get an $800< $1,000 Zeiss Conquest or comp. that you like.
There are some fair scopes in the $200 < $400 range also. If you want to kill stuff at 1,000yds I would go 300WM or up.
Good luck.