As usual I have an opinion on this and will state it for those that want to read it.
I use a lot of stocks with Bedding blocks/chassis in them and I have found that some shoot well
and some don't.
Soooooooo, With the cost of ammo and testing, especially if it wont shoot after all the different loads tested you have spent much more money than the cost of bedding and you have to start over with testing.
Also, even though the rifle shoots well without bedding they will always do better after bedding.
Bedding is very inexpensive and lets you get the best out of your rifle and minimizes the shots fired
in order to find that "Best" load.
I have tried saving money by not bedding stocks that were advertised as no bedding required stocks
and regretted it because even though shot well they were finicky and took many different loads to find a good load.
Now, No rifles leave my shop without bedding Irregardless what type of stock I use and normally they will shoot everything well and I normally find a load (Sub 1/2 MOA) within 2 or 3 loads.
Cutting corners IMO ends up costing more money and barrel life.
Just my opinion