Sitka Blacktail - POW Island, AK

Country Bumpkin

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
Boise, ID
hello everyone, a friend and I embark on our Sitka Blacktail hunt in 10 days!!! We are very excited. We have done our research and have identified several high alpine areas that we will be backpacking into. We both have two tags.

Although we have done our homework and are both experienced western backpack hunters (from Idaho) I figured it never hurts to ask. Does anyone have any last-minute advice for us? Any funny stories of similar experiences?
hello everyone, a friend and I embark on our Sitka Blacktail hunt in 10 days!!! We are very excited. We have done our research and have identified several high alpine areas that we will be backpacking into. We both have two tags.

Although we have done our homework and are both experienced western backpack hunters (from Idaho) I figured it never hurts to ask. Does anyone have any last-minute advice for us? Any funny stories of similar experiences?

I'm from Juneau and do most of my hunting on Admiralty. Best thing you can do in these early season hunts is find a good bowl and glass. You will never find one of those suckers in the woods.

Don't overestimate their size. More than 3' to their shoulder is a pretty tall blacktail. Don't glass for a whole body, look for ears and antlers over the blueberry bushes.

Where there's one there's usually two...or more. After you spot one make sure you take your time looking for a second one.

It's gonna rain. Probably every day. You'll be wet. If it doesn't, take lots of pictures because there is nothing more beautiful.
Thank you, that’s all good stuff and exactly what I was expecting. In preparation for this hunt I finally upgraded my glass (Leica 15x56) and will be perched atop a tripod. Knowing that I’d be spending a lot of time behind those (even more than I spend doing the same thing looking for Mulies in Idaho) I bought a lightweight backpacking chair to eliminate any excuses for not sitting patiently and digesting a bowl. We have 10 full hunting days, I’m only planning on seeing the sun for 3 of those. I did a lot of research on rain gear, and with my budget, I settled on Kryptek Koldos top and bottom. I sure hope I made the right choose. Thanks again for the tips, we hope to be camping at, or just under, 3,000’ (what we are seeing is where the alpine starts). Hiking to the tops every day to glass. We anticipate spending 2-3 days per area and packing back down to vehicle to relocate.
Departure in 3 days. It’s all starting to get real!! This is my first “destination hunt”. I just can’t stand the excitement.

Any last minute tips?
Are you bringing your rifle with you on the plane? Leave extra time to check your rifle/baggage at the airport and make sure you follow all the airline rules for rifles and ammo.

Are you planning on bringing back meat or trophy? Last time i checked you could do this via alaska airlines but needed to sign up ahead of time to be a "transporter of goods"

Have fun, good luck, report back
Make sure the bells on your shoes are able to hear them ringing fom the brownies
Sometimes you can get you meat taken care of and sent to you after you arrive home.....less to push through airports while making sure you hit connecting flights......
I went last year to Kodiak Island towards Larsen Bay Area, great time and I will never complain about elk country being to rough. Lots of hidden traps for the grass being laid down etc. both of us killed our deer. Have fun I can’t wait to go back next year. We were there in November.
I went last year to Kodiak Island towards Larsen Bay Area, great time and I will never complain about elk country being to rough. Lots of hidden traps for the grass being laid down etc. both of us killed our deer. Have fun I can’t wait to go back next year. We were there in November.
Kodiak has brown bear, POW doesn't.

Op- let us know how the Sitka deer population is over there, I almost went last year but our "guy" told us not to bother, the wolf have crossed over from the mainland to POW and have decreased the deer population quite a bit..he said they are trying to get rid of the wolves and get the deer population back up. He suggested Kodiak over POW for deer, but he said if hunting on Kodiak make sure you bring a large caliber sidearm.
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