Sig Kilo 3000BDX Range finding binos

JMB 1911

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Does anyone have experience with the optical quality on these? I currently use Nikons highest end and Steiner's. They both work great I honestly can't say that I can tell the difference between the 2. My range finder was less than adequate during my recent antelope hunt and one tool that does both appeals to me. I know Leica is everyone's preferred unit but at over twice the price I am not convinced that is twice as nice
I’ve looked at these for along time and would absolutely buy them if you could get ballistics past 800 yards
I am thinking of pairing it with with the Kestrel with AB... I tried out a pair for a few hours the other day... Range finder was above others in its price range but not as good as my gen 1 terrapin... Watched some utube videos of it and the Kestrel... Seemed like a good system without the 800 yard limit... Having fooled with the BDX scope/ rangefinder systems... They seemed to eat up batteries.... and the cold seemed to effect battery life way more then I thought it should...
I’ve looked at these for along time and would absolutely buy them if you could get ballistics past 800 yards
As stated if you pair them with an ab kestrel or Garmin fortrex 701 or the new Garmin tactical watch with ab it will give you a firing solution as far as they will range... I’ve got data out to 2160yrds paired with my fortrex... obviously all your other inputs have to be good and you need to verify/true your data. I’ve had first rd hits out to 1150 yards on full size ipsc targets using the binos paired with the fortrex... on their own or paired with the sig rifle scope 800 yards is your limit.
As far as optics id say they’re pretty good for range finding binos, about the same as my 10x50 vortex viper regular binos... if you want Leica or swaro quality glass you’re gonna pay Leica or swaro $. If you want vectronix quality laser.., well you get where I’m going..,
As far as best all around package/capability the sigs are hard to beat...

I looked at thek in Cabelas. I actually copared them with the Vortek Fury Hd 5000 and the Nikkon Monarchs. I would rate the 3 for glass quality Nikkon,Vortek and the sigs last. They just aren't as bright and clear. I fiddled with the diopter too. To clear them all up they were just a little behind the other 2 though.
The KILO 3000s are a great value for the price point when you consider their functionality and optical quality in context. Sure, Leica/Swaro/Zeiss will offer better optics in a RF bino, but that will cost you. The SIGs are really in a class of their own in terms of value. I have used them extensively (from AK, to the West, to the Midwest) and only really wish for better optical quality in the first/last 20-30 minutes of light each day. The range-finding and ballistics functions are fast, accurate, and easy. As mentioned prior, keep in mind that the ballistic solution will only be provided out to 800 yards.
I ordered a set.... They printed shipping label so may be here by the end of the week... I have a G7, Vectronix Terrapin, I can side by side compare the range finder to. I already know they don't range with my Terrapin... But I think they will range with or better then any of the other rangefinders I have owned.. As this is my main interest in owning them... Have to save my pennies for a Kestrel 5700 with AB and link now...Hope the Kestrel and the SIG 3000 will make a good system....We shall see
I am hoping the binos are as good as my Nikons. The ranging capability seems a given. I am hoping to reduce the required tools on my next trip West
I have a set of 10x42 Vortex HD Diamondbacks for the grand kids...When I tested them at least to my eyes the glass seemed very close in quality.... This was just a short test with a borrowed set of SIG 3000... I was mostly just testing its ranging capabilities... But they seemed fairly close in glass quality
You like them?
I ordered a set.... They printed shipping label so may be here by the end of the week... I have a G7, Vectronix Terrapin, I can side by side compare the range finder to. I already know they don't range with my Terrapin... But I think they will range with or better then any of the other rangefinders I have owned.. As this is my main interest in owning them... Have to save my pennies for a Kestrel 5700 with AB and link now...Hope the Kestrel and the SIG 3000 will make a good system....We shall see
I have tested them and the glass is mid grade .And very usable.. the rangefinder works very well... I don't have my new Kestrel till this coming Tuesday to have a complete package for past 800 yards....I found the black ones for under $800... And I would say this is a very good value... Nothing I have tried will range this this unit but my Vectronix Gen 1 Terrapin ... This includes the Leica 3000,s
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