When doing single shot testing does anyone do 2 shot per for conformation? I state this as maybe the 2nd shot could be further away? Are the single shot test you do for velocity nodes and pressure test or accuracy? All I've done is load, shoot and zero optic. Reading so much of what most have done on this forum is driving me to the nut house . I'm not overthinking unless it's math involved word problems that I know too much about. You know the ones about flying from 1 place to another? Factor in taking off from the west coast (Long Beach Airport) requiring you to fly out 2 miles over the Pacific before coming back over land. Then you have clearance authorizing for altitude change, time loss due to altitude change going from 10k to 40k. The it's vector change and decent for landing. See what I mean!
I've never tried any ladder or pressure test, but will need to as I've accumulated more than just the pre'64 to shoot.
I've never tried any ladder or pressure test, but will need to as I've accumulated more than just the pre'64 to shoot.