Selecting a bushing?????


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
SW Montana
I'm going to order a Redding type S FL die for my 270 WSM to try to get rid of some run out that is holding me back. I need some answers or method on how to go about finding the right bushing to order, the little buggers are expensive to have an assortment.
I'm going to order a Redding type S FL die for my 270 WSM to try to get rid of some run out that is holding me back. I need some answers or method on how to go about finding the right bushing to order, the little buggers are expensive to have an assortment.

Mic the neck of a loaded round then subtract .0015 or .002"

Usually you can google "270wsm bushing" and come up with a few different choices. I order three seperate bushings usually. One I think I need and then one .001 smaller and one .001 bigger.

If I've ever learned anything it is: what I think I need is usually not what I really need:)
To be safe, you could go .0025 or .003" smaller. But I would only do this if you will NOT be annealing your brass. I have seen that after 4 or 5 reloads the brass hardens and 1 1/2 or 2 thou may not be enough to get good neck tension. So you will need to sqweeze it a bit more as it springs back a bit. So to be safe you could go .003"down. But the best way is to go .0015 or .002 and anneal the necks when they need it.lightbulb

I agree with the other guys. As much as I hate to buy more than one bushing, I usually buy 2 or 3 sizes for one caliber and you may have to experiment. There's nothing worse than guessing at one size, sitting down at the reloading bench and that bushing is not tight enough or is too tight, then you have to order another one and wait a few days for the next one to arrive. Pay up front or on the back end is usually the case.
I was digging through the Sinclair's catalog last night and found a little section on finding the right bushing size, I don't know how I missed it before:rolleyes:
They have it at .001 with turned brass and .002 without turning but using the expander.
I'm using Rem brass in this chamber as it lasts 3x as long and seems to handle the pressure better. I've been turning the necks and I can anneal without any problem, which I should probably do any way to get a little more consistency.
I'm thinking somewhere near .002 should be right, man I hate buying extras but I may have to it seems.
I'm trying to kill a few birds with one stone here, I'm running .004-.006 of run out and I have tracked to the sizing die and expander, I also need to get consistent neck tension, I have played with this and it made a huge difference in POI. I'm thinking that a S die and annealing will go a long ways.
If I reload real careful and get the planets aligned I can shoot groups with under 1/2 MOA of vertical @ 1000yrd but if I feel the neck tension is off and the run out is way out I shoot 2 MOA of vertical. It really sucks, cause I go out to the range knowing what is going to happen just by how the loading went.
If I'm wrong on this correct me.:D
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