I've got a question about bullet depth if someone could help me with. If i try to extend the bullet out of the neck far enough that i'm as close to the lands as I can get with out touching and far enough back off the lans that as soon as the bullets starts to move it has a little start time before it is forced into the lans where is the best place for the bullet as far as the bullet depth in the neck? What i'm trying to get at is that if i spend the time to get as close as i can to the rifle lans with the bullet but the bullet is just pressed enough into the neck to seat the bullet won't this cut down on consistent pressure build and release of the bullet?..So what would be better,.. if i had the bullet pressed into the neck just enough to keep the bullet in the neck but are very close to the lans without touching or is it better to have the bullet pressed into the neck of the case so the bottom of the bullet is even with the bottom of the neck to get a more consistent and better pressure build for bullet release?..I've been going for the as closest length as i could get to the rifle lans to prevent less bullet jump but now I'm stumped on which is more important or would add up to more accuracy? What got this stirring around in my peanut thick head is smaller bullets don't have the length as a heavier grain bullet therefore to achieve greatest bullet length I don't feel that i'm pressing the bullet down enough with smaller grain bullets to get the proper pressure build to get a good consistent bullet release... UUUHHHHH now what do I do??????????..Thanks for your time and help