Savage LRH 111 338 Lapua


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
Black Forest, CO
Is there anyone with any experience with this rifle? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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Savage says they are going to be out in July. I called a local shop in may/june and had him try and get one of the HS stocked heavy fluted barrel versions; 110 FCP HS. I'm still waiting. All of the online retailers don't have any yet. There was a report on snipershide of a guy who saw one at Cabelas. I called my Cabelas and they said they had gotten one and sold it already. The Lady on the phone didn't really sound like she knew exactly what it was. She may have been talking a 110BA. I'm trying to get my 110 FCP asap, when I do I'll let you guys know what I think of it.
Savage says they are going to be out in July. I called a local shop in may/june and had him try and get one of the HS stocked heavy fluted barrel versions; 110 FCP HS. I'm still waiting. All of the online retailers don't have any yet. There was a report on snipershide of a guy who saw one at Cabelas. I called my Cabelas and they said they had gotten one and sold it already. The Lady on the phone didn't really sound like she knew exactly what it was. She may have been talking a 110BA. I'm trying to get my 110 FCP asap, when I do I'll let you guys know what I think of it.

Sounds like a plan.

Just got off the phone with Savage. They are expecting these to be out at the end of the month. They DO NOT come with 20MOA rails like the 110BA. I suppose Ill bring my rifle to a shop to make sure I get a rail that fits. THe guy @ Savage says that the rail on the 110BA is not interchangable with the FCP model. I asked if they were different actions. He said they weren't but the rails were not the same. I wonder if the 110BA has larger screws or something.
Just got off the phone with Savage. They are expecting these to be out at the end of the month. They DO NOT come with 20MOA rails like the 110BA. I suppose Ill bring my rifle to a shop to make sure I get a rail that fits. THe guy @ Savage says that the rail on the 110BA is not interchangable with the FCP model. I asked if they were different actions. He said they weren't but the rails were not the same. I wonder if the 110BA has larger screws or something.

key word...expecting=not gonna happen this month

will just any savage 20moa base work?
I'm hoping its sooner than later. I was hoping to get the rifle up and running by December. I'm still waiting on genII Berger hybrids. I was told early July for those, Midway has early August listed now. We'll see.
Well my 110 FCP is payed for and FFL info sent, waiting for it to ship. It sounds like a few online retailers got a few of the new Savage 110s in 338LM. They are selling out fast it seems. My local guy couldn't get a word on when they would be available to him. I'm expecting mine to ship next week. I have 300gr hybrids on order from Berger and Midway. If both of those fall through I'm going to try from I am ordering the scope today or early of next week. I'll get the scope before rings so I can measure and see how low I can go. I'm going to have to take a guess on the rail. I'll probably go with EGW Savage long action round back with 20MOA. I'll let you guys know how it works out when all the parts get here. Brass, powder and dies are waiting on the bench.:D
I picked up the LRH111 in 338 Lapua from a board memeber in a trade. I worked up some loads with RL19 and 250 SMK and shot some rounds at 200yds. I am pleased with the rilfle.

Seems 88 grains of RL19 @ 3.681 is working out. Next I am working on the 300 grain loads.


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Took the LRH 111 338 Lapua out today to work up a load for the 300SMK. I am very pleased with H1000 @ 92 grains @200yds.


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Thanks for sharing your info & pic's. Excellent groups, please keep us updated.

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