Sauer 100 XT in 6.5CM thoughts

Dec 4, 2020
Hello LRH boys and gals,
yesterday I've received a brand new Sauer 100 XT in 6.5CM which was Black Friday hard to resist deal. What a toy for an aging boy! )
The choice of 6.5CM caliber was mainly to have a "do it all rifle" which would be also forgiving when you misjudge the distance while hunting. I think many of you had that situation when a game walks out in a narrow and distant spot, so you have only like 5...10 sec to take that shot. Also, I'm not against taking a shot when it is over 300 yrds away given that my setup and skills are up to such a task. So, here I enter the LRH world. I hope this gives you an idea where I am.
I have some questions in view of the above mentioned.
1. What do you think of LRH capabilities of this rifle?
2. I need an appropriate scope. Thinking of something not too expensive like Athlon Talos BTR 4-14×44 APLR2 FFP IR MIL.
I need it to have FFP, Illumination and well developed reticle like this scope has
since the reticle and FFP would be of big help to judge distance while watching and aiming the game through it during those 10sec when there is no time to pull the range finder out. And I took my previous two wt bucks in dusk which wouldn't be possible not having Illumination in my crossbow scope (the distances were 35 and 55 yds though). I would probably also settle for something like
Nikon BLACK FX1000 4-16x50SF FFP Illuminated FX-MOA (but unfortunately since last year Nikon is out of rifle scope business)
Or this one 714gCDwjt8L._AC_SL1500_.jpg (Vortex Optics Viper PST Gen I, etc) given the price is right. ..No desire to spend big $$$$ for a scope.
What do you think, guys? Give me your scope and mount suggestions for this rifle. Thank you.
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