SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

"From your experience"...did you live a different 8 Clinton years than the rest of us or was you just not paying attention? Yes, you're quite mistaken.

How close was the latest Supreme Court ruling on the 2nd Amendment? Four in support with three dissenting judges. One of the most lasting influences a president will have is that of appointing Supreme Court Justices. You may have not lost your .280 under Clinton, and maybe that would be all your concerned about, but you should pay more attention to the "change" in tides. 4-3 ruling is a bit close in my book. It could easily go the other way with Obama appointments.

Nobama, keep the change.

You do know Obama's record I have to believe, as I and others have posted it several times. Biden's is accessable as well & the votes of the Dem leaders in Congress is well documented. They did not have the votes to override a veto, so no need to push a bill they could not pass with Bush, but with Obama, come on!!

280, I don't know if you have forgotten or something concerning Brady 1 (Clinton Ban) &
how Brady 1's purpose was to introduce Brady II ? Do you remember that the Klinton Ban was droppedf by Bush, which killed BradyII as well? Brady II would eliminate many "sporting
rifles & shotguns, you know Rem. 1100 type shotguns. Take a look at Brady II sometime.

Now if Osama gets elected, he will be the most anti-gun Pres. EVER with a VP who wrote the Crime bill, do you remember that? So, the most Lib & anti gun Pres. EVER with the most Lib. & anti gun VP EVER with the most Lib & anti gun Congress EVER, far more anti than ANY
Dem. Congress EVER. I just don't see why anyone would not see this. Do we have to have
all guns banned first & then say, yep, too bad?

They will be unstoppable if the Rep. lose enough seats that they cannot fillabuster, it will be over.
So what does it say about Americans that Obama is leading in every major poll? Are they completely ignorant? forgetful? or worse?

Were the Germans ignorant when Hitler was leading in every poll? Many of them weren't ignorant in general, but ignorant of Hitler, obviously. Popularity & being correct many times are not one & the same are they?

But in your case I will ask You since I don't think you are ignorant on gun issues. Do you not agree that due to the combination of these particular Dems in Congress, with Biden & Obama & this particular Congress, don't you agree that we could have a slight problem?
So what does it say about Americans that Obama is leading in every major poll? Are they completely ignorant? forgetful? or worse?
How about fed up with Bush(=republicans) for starters?

I'm glad I live in the United State of Idaho. Maybe Idaho, Montana and Wyoming will secede. I think Texas could probably be counted in there as well. LOL (Not really)
You're right it's not.

For the 1st time in my life I am worried about the Presidential election. I am truly worried about what may happen. A much different kind of worry than when Clinton was running.

if Obama wins it will be a sad day for AMERICA!! All I can say is God help us!his Idea of taxing the corp america more will just send more companys over seas,I have a freind that has a company that empoys over 100 workers,he has already stated that he is looking at moving his company over seas where he will save 75 % on his costs how many more will follow?
My business employs 3 people. We are seasonal, so depending on how the election goes, I am considering letting go my employees and having my wife and kids on the crew. If I am forced to pay for insurance, and face a huge tax rate increase because my gross makes me rich, even though I take home less than the average American.

I have the ability to raise my rates, but will anyone hire me? Maybe I'll be better off going out of business and getting on the Gov dole w/ the rest of the underachievers that are voting for Obama in order to get some of the wealth re-distribution. It's what is fair. It's time to become patriotic, and get with the program. Be part of the new deal.

Maybe I will be able to move into one of the shut down military bases.

Like I said earlier, every good joke has an element of truth. It feels like the puzzle pieces are in place for the ambiguous take over to happen.

Let's not despair. It ain't over yet. There's still the hope that the majority of our fellow citizens will do the right thing. I'm looking forward to Nov 4th so that I can cast my vote for McCain/Palin.

The grand American experiment in liberty is still strong today. God bless America!
I think, like every election, the results will be much further to the right than the projections.

I will prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

My business employs 3 people. We are seasonal, so depending on how the election goes, I am considering letting go my employees and having my wife and kids on the crew. If I am forced to pay for insurance, and face a huge tax rate increase because my gross makes me rich, even though I take home less than the average American.

I have the ability to raise my rates, but will anyone hire me? Maybe I'll be better off going out of business and getting on the Gov dole w/ the rest of the underachievers that are voting for Obama in order to get some of the wealth re-distribution. It's what is fair. It's time to become patriotic, and get with the program. Be part of the new deal.

Maybe I will be able to move into one of the shut down military bases.

Like I said earlier, every good joke has an element of truth. It feels like the puzzle pieces are in place for the ambiguous take over to happen.


Your situation will be multiplied all over America. Business WILL move overseas at a more rapid rate than ever before & it is bad enough now. Obama is a liar, he will tax the working middle class in ways they won't believe, the "fairness doctrine" will be passed ending the 1st Amend & with the team they have in place, the worst ever the 2nd Amend. will follow.
I would love to be wrong on this, but I doubt it if this Maxist is elected.
What is funny, not Ha Ha funny :( , is that Obama will let the Bush Tax Cuts expire. This gave ALL tax payers a tax cut.....even those making 40k, not just the 250 k folks!

Obama does NOT consider those tax hikes!

Your taxes go up and that is not a tax increase, Sounds a lot like Slick Willie saying "It depends on how you define alone…"

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