Remington 788 recoil pad?


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2003
I have a collection of Reminton 788's and I am trying to find a recoil pad for the .308 and the .22-250. Is there one available that will fit or do they have to be customer made?

Thanks in advance for the info.
I know these aren't highly sought after rifles but hasen't anyone put a better recoil pad on them?

They are fun rifles and very accurate so I thought I would fix the 222 for my wife. Let me know if you know of someone that can do this?
nothing like having your question answered with a question.
i bought a 788 for my son when he was 12, he's now 46.
its a 243, and as you say is very accurate. lousy trigger though.
im a lefty, and im sorry i didnt buy one for myself while they were available.
id love to have a lefty 222. any ideas how i might find one?
I have a collection of Reminton 788's and I am trying to find a recoil pad for the .308 and the .22-250. Is there one available that will fit or do they have to be customer made?

Thanks in advance for the info.
any smith can install a grind to fit pad on a 788

nothing like having your question answered with a question.
i bought a 788 for my son when he was 12, he's now 46.
its a 243, and as you say is very accurate. lousy trigger though.
im a lefty, and im sorry i didnt buy one for myself while they were available.
id love to have a lefty 222. any ideas how i might find one?

There was never a LH 788 made in 222, I think they were only made in 6mm, possibly a few 308's but I've never saw one.

Not a good rifle to hotrod, they handle factory loads ok, but suffer bolt lug compression when loaded hot, other than that good accurate rifles, I have a LH 6mm with a richards walnut stock that I deer hunt with some.
Looks like Limbsaver will try to match one up for me if I give them the deminsions. As far as left haded models...I only know of the .308 which my buddy has and he may be selling it if your interested? He may be expensive?
thanks for the info. on the left hand 222. not really interested in a 308, or 6mm. i know they bring big dollars. ive stood in the rain at an auction, and watched a 308 go for almost $600. ill buy a rem 700 or a savage before id pay that.
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