Recommendation for auto powder measure


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2017
East River South Dakota
I'm moving out of a cramped apartment soon and that means I will be able to reload again. Decided it was time to buy an auto powder measure like an RCBS ChargeMaster or a Hornady Auto-Charge. Looking to see what everyone recommends and what to stay away from.
Goes pretty fast, would not use the electronic on it's own, though if your looking for precision.


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Goes pretty fast, would not use the electronic on it's own, though if your looking for precision.

I plan to use the auto up to about a grain and trickle the last 1-ish grain on precision loads. What do you mean about not using the electronic on it's own? Are you suggesting I use a beam style scale because I thought I read that those are less accurate but I could be mistaken.
I calibrate both scales to current room temp.
Measure load on electronic scale
take load to beam scale and fine tune(takes a critical eye)
then back on electronic to satisfy my own curiosity.
If any load doesn't check on both, I re do it and/or re calibrate.
I calibrate both scales to current room temp.
Measure load on electronic scale
take load to beam scale and fine tune(takes a critical eye)
then back on electronic to satisfy my own curiosity.
If any load doesn't check on both, I re do it and/or re calibrate.

Wow, that is a process but you know every cartridge you fire is good to go. You recommend any specific beam scale? I have the one that came with my Lee's 50th Anniversary kit currently
It does sound like a process, and it is, but it goes quickly.
My beam scale is an old RCBS 5-10, I've had since the 70's.
I've had my Chargemaster 1500 for years. I highly recommend it. Just make sure to calibrate the scale before each use (same with any precision scale).
just got my chargemaster in the mail, this afternoon.
sent out rebate forms and UPC
see how long this takes, probably won't get it until next year..:D

Today is the last day to purchase for $100 rebate
Go with the chargemaster. After purchasing look up the chargemaster tune and brass insert. This will speed up the unit and virtually eliminate over throws. With mine and my shooting partner we have produced very accurate loads using the chargemaster 1500.

Disclosure though I will be upgrading to a Prometheus or Auto Trickler soon as I'm looking to shoot competitions again. So take my advice with a grain of salt
The Chargemaster has been tested against the similar units from Hornady and pact by numerous different people and wins every time. I have a Chargemaster and a CM Lite. I think I may actually prefer the lite but would get the charge master in a heartbeat at this price. I weigh every charge on a Gempro 250 but the charge master speeds up the process. If you have the Chargemaster set up correctly you will not need to trickle with it. The problem is not how it dispenses it is the fact that it is accurate to +- .1 grains so it could actually vary by 4-6 kernels of H1000 or similar density powder. If you are ok with that then I would say there is no need for something like a Gempro or a magnetic force restoration scale.
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