Re #17 up dates for 6x284

Iron Worker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reno Nevada
That powder is amazing !In my 26" bbl 6x284 53.7grs behind a Nosler 90gr BT produced an avg velocity of 3,612. Tell me that won't kill a coyote at 50 yds + No way could I get those velocities with H4350 my rifles former favorite powder. Also 57.2 grs of Re#17 behind a 70gr Nosler BT produced 3,950 FPS . Long live Re#17.
Ok thanks.

I'm shootng an 8 twist....was gonna drop dwon with bullet weight to push some fps but wasn't sure how low I could go with this twist. Was thinkin bout goin with the 95 bt
Thanks Iron Worker,

Thanks for sharing. Have RL-17 on hand will have to give it a try with some heavier bullets. Currently using varget and 55 gr nos bt from 24" barrel @ 4175 fps. It is my calling rifle sighted in .5" at 100 is 5.6" low at 350 yds. Don't have to worry about trajectory when a yote is spotted.

FYI I now use RL-33, RL-17's slower cousin, in my heavy 28" 6mm-284 with Berger 105 target hybrid. Gained 178 fps over max load of retumbo. new vel 3485 fps

The 6mm-284 is an interesting cartridge. Just think, it was wildcatted 50 years ago, right after they produced the 284 win back in 1963. Modern powders, better brass and rifle looneys like us keep it alive.
FYI I now use RL-33, RL-17's slower cousin, in my heavy 28" 6mm-284 with Berger 105 target hybrid. Gained 178 fps over max load of retumbo. new vel 3485 fps

The 6mm-284 is an interesting cartridge. Just think, it was wildcatted 50 years ago, right after they produced the 284 win back in 1963. Modern powders, better brass and rifle looneys like us keep it alive.

One of my favorites for sure, i'm still using the boring old 107SMK & Ramshot Magnum... which is why I posted.

Have you used that 105 Hybrid on game? 'Yote, 'lope? i've been toying with the idea.... :rolleyes:

No I have not used the 105 target hybrid on big game. With all the success Broz has had with the 215 and 230 30 cal target hybrids, I considered trying them on a coues wt. I am hoping that they make a hunting version by next hunting season.

If anyone has used the 105 target hybrid on big game we would love to hear the story.
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