Quality of Nosler bullets buying in bulk


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2009
I used Nosler bullets for a very long time I liked their quality and performance, so when I found deal on Nosler.com on their Custom Competition bullets I didn't hesitate and ordered 1000 of them, they came in big box without any logo on it, everything was in one big plastic bag. I start by sorting some by ogive and first thing I noticed there were at least 4 different ogive measurements, their length is also allover the place some measures 1.165" and some 1.135" and many in between, then I decide to weight them and the weight spread goes from 154.5 gr to 155.8 gr. There is something I probably missed in the sorting like barring surface of the bullets because my groups do not resemble what I had before, when I used small packs of Nosler bullets.
Did anyone had any good experience buying bulk match bullets?

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I shoot competition so I don't use Nosler but the Green Box ones are just like the 100rd ones. Bought over 50k of them this way.
By "Green Box" are you talking about SMK? Yes I tried them they are great, but when I got Noslers in black box 100 ct they were just like SMK and I thought even better, then I tried 250 ct box they were also great, when I ordered 1000 I thought I'll get 4 boxes of 250, but I got bulk instead...

That is very unusual. The Normal weight tolerance for Nosler is around .2 grains. All the J4 bullets are run through the same machine so they should be pretty consistent.
Give Mike Harris at Nosler a call at 800 285 3701 and Mike will make it right with you.

Let us know the outcome.

By "Green Box" are you talking about SMK? Yes I tried them they are great, but when I got Noslers in black box 100 ct they were just like SMK and I thought even better, then I tried 250 ct box they were also great, when I ordered 1000 I thought I'll get 4 boxes of 250, but I got bulk instead...

Hardly ever see anyone shooting Nosler in 1K. May be associated with what you have noticed.
I guess I'll give them a call, got nothing else to loose here, tried them on 500 yards another day, the load which used to shoot 2.8" was all over...
Well one other option open to you is to sit down with your scale and weight sort them and then test the sorted lots and see if things improve.

That said, I would certainly voice my disappointment with the Nosler staff and perhaps they could make it right in some way.

I bought a bunch of the 155's and have substituted them for the SMK in my .308 with Obermeyer barrel and they shoot very good for me. These are the big 1000 count bulk boxes but not blems. I originally purchased them for my M14 but figured I'd see what they could do in the better shooting gun. I was impressed. I have no qualms subbing the nosler 155, 168, or the .224 cal 52 Match HP's. gun)

The only Nosler product that I never got to shoot was the 6.5mm Accubond that I really wanted to work in my custom FN SPR. A SGK 140 tuned perfectly with little load development when nothing worked with the accubond for me. In fact that Accubond trial was how I ended up finding this site.
well I gave up on 308, switched to 6.5 and 6mm, but I still have some 155gr Noslers left, here's good example why I do not buy Nosler bullets and they call them Custom Competition, common :cool:


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