Process for necking down from 30 caliber to 7mm?


Active Member
Nov 26, 2012
What is the best way to neck down from 30 caliber to 7mm? I know quite a few people use bushing dies and step down in .010-.012" increments before neck turning but what about the part of the neck that doesn't get sized using a bushing die? I am really considering a 7-300 norma and want to get this figured out before going down that road.
If you have a standard seater die you can use it as your first step to reduce the neck diameter. Then use the FL die.
What is the best way to neck down from 30 caliber to 7mm? I know quite a few people use bushing dies and step down in .010-.012" increments before neck turning but what about the part of the neck that doesn't get sized using a bushing die? I am really considering a 7-300 norma and want to get this figured out before going down that road.
.308 to .284 is a very small jump when sizing down. Like was stated, buy the proper 7-300 Norma die, lube the case necks and run them in the die... Wipe off the case necks... Done.
If you have a standard seater die you can use it as your first step to reduce the neck diameter. Then use the FL die.

I have never heard of this before, just take out the seating stem and run it through? I will give it a try with just a sizing die like the others have mentioned but I'm curious about this method. I'm always willing to learn something new.
I neck down Nosler 8mm brass to form all my 7stw brass. To turn the brass, you need to check the neck I.D. to be sure it's smaller than your turning expander. Also, be mindful to set the die so you don't bump the shoulder back too far, just enough to size all the neck. I prefer the FL Forester die with the stem removed, but with their expander ball location, you can lube inside the neck and use the stem installed. Very little runout involved. Once you get your die set up, the rest is very simple.
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