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old fart

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2003
Aurora , Colorado
guys - the basics - I have not taken the time to go through all the topics yet but am very interested in this long range hunting . i was invited to hunt the wheat fields and rolling hills of Craig , Colorado , shot for elk,deer,antelope often exceed 600 yards , 800 seems to be the normal . my problem in guns and calibers - i've had a broken neck , and as a result I carry a 4" plate screwed to my spine - recoil from a bench , really gets to me . My elk rifle has always been a 338 win mag , 250gr partitions at 2700fps - my long range gun is a 300 win mag usually with 165gr bullets .I am unfamiliar with all these calibers for long- long range ,where can I find pictures and info on these calibers , rifles and equipment that you all use in this pursuit. thanks
You are a serious candidate for long range hunting! A proper heavy long range rig is fired free recoil from bags, all you have to do is push it back home and look thru the scope. A proper bench will allow you to adjust quickly to demands and dial in the rest and or bench for the shot. You do need to commit to a single spot with good coverage though.
Old fart, you already have a great potential rig in the 300winmag. If it will shoot accurately 180 to 200gr MK, you have everything you need for 800yd shots.

I shoot a Gibbs with 165gr SST and find that over 750yds, a heavier bullet would be better in the wind.

A big case 7mm or fast 6.5 would also do what you want. It just has to be accurate at LR.

Many here use the highest BC bullets with enough bullet weight to make sure that animals fall. That includes the 240gr 30cal MK, and 300gr 338 MK. These need big cases and longer barrels to work.

I have a 35" 300 Ultra mag set up for just this task. Weighing in at 35lbs, recoil is firm but not harsh. With a muzzle brake, it would be a ***** cat. This is the sort of rig that would allow both LR hits and easy recoil. Definitely not a portable rig but nice to shoot from a bench.

Look up posts on the Tomahawk and 338-416Rigby improved. Will give you lots of info on these LR cannons.

old fart here - thanks - my 300 is a heavy 26" barrel,lapped, bedded ,recrowned and a trigger . it loves ballstic tips ,165, 180 . I haven't tried anything else . it shoots under a inch at a 100 . I've loaded a long time but the only wildcat stuff has be for my Contender pistols - I've looking at the 6.5/284 - mainly because they say its easy on the shoulder - and the 300RUM for a heavy weight , but as Baldeagle said I'll need to find some sort of return to battery rig. I've had a plate screwed to my spine , after a broken neck . THANKS
who told you that your shots would be that long out there?i have hunted up that way for a long time and sure you can take shots that long but with a little stalking it is not neccessary.the rifles you have will work fine lr shooting providing good loads are worked up and you practice alot,my 2-dave
the 6.5-284 is a great choice,thats what im shooting now and its phenomenal,im shooting the 142mk and would not hesitate to take deer or antelope at 800 providing the conditions were good,for elk i would probably limit it to about 600,you will find the 6.5-284 easy to load for ,very accurate and it kills much better than what paper ballistcs would show because of the pentration[sectional densities]you get with the long skinny bullets.i [personally dont think the the 6.5 is the greatest choice lr shooting of elk,but for deer sized game its hard to beat.
I'll bump Jerry on the above post. Winchester's Big 300 will do it all and then some. I shoot a 300 for my elk and moose gun most of the time, and it's hard to beat. The 300 Ultra WILL give you some velocity, but not a REALLY noticeable improvement in a factory rifle. My father has the same problem as you with a plate and he shoots my 300 with a Vais Muzzle Brake on it like it was a 243. I also have a match rifle chambered in 300WM and it's been great thus far (though I haven't actually used it in comp). Another good one for you would be a 7mm Ultra. With a 168gr bullet and a full load, recoil is comparable to a 300wm with a full load and a 150gr pill. I lived in Colorado for a number of years, and even hunted pretty close to Craig, but I rarely had 800yd shots. Even from the bench, I avereaged about 275 - 300yds over the course of around 29 deer and 6 Elk. Shot placement, as always, is still going to be the "golden key" here. Once you're consistent at these ranges with a given rifle, there should be no reason why the 300WM won't do everything you need it to do. Glad to see you're a die-hard who has will-power and faith not to let a little 'ol steel plate get in his way of the shooting sports!! Good luck bro!

thanks - just to keep you guys up to date- my 338 win is in the shop for a tune up , longer heavier barrel , same caliber, min chamber and throated for smk's , vais break . adding this same break to my 300 win the 1st of the month, rebed(pillars) this rifle and bring the weight up a little . ordered 500 smk's for this and a new chrono - my 6.5/284 will wait until these are finished , also bought a new scope for 300 win , but this will give me the time to shoot the 300win at range 600 to 800 and see what I can do with the SMK's - thanks for all the help
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