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Interpreting Data - Help

Okay. Well, IF it were me (and considering your stated concern) I'd go do a seating depth test at a point completely away from any perceived powder node and go with the best group. Bring that group back to the table (#4-#5) and see what happens. That perceived 'node' could change if the preferred seating depth got drastic. I like the way that #7 & #8 appeared to be 'flattening out', but that may not be stable if you plan on shooting this in the heat of the summer.
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I like 7 and 8 it looks to be a velocity node I would play with seating depth there also, but I strive for most fps I can get without loosing accuracy
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Many smarter people here than I, as to what I would do. I'd look closely at 7and 8. Adjust seating depth for a few see if it loosened up or tightened up and then shoot 5 for effect. The group size looks great for such a range of charges.
Definitely like the speed on #7 and #8 of the second test. Looks like it will be a bit warmer this weekend so going take the rifle to pressure so I have a baseline (and to not be guessing). However i will load 5x at 55gr for "sighters" and see how they group without the Magneto bayo.

Once I figure out where my rifle hit pressure ill have more data and we can figure out which charges to look at for seating depth testing, and hopefully settle in on a final charge/load.
Personally I'd start with 52gr of IMR 4350 and do a group test at 200 yards. I might adjust the load up and down 0.3gr to see if it changes any. You should see good groups at 54.5gr of IMR 4350 but I think that the 52gr load will produce tighter groups.

alright guys, i ran another pressure test up to 56.2 (as per QL this was the max load with 63kPSI) so i ran 55-56.2 in .2 increments and managed to get the 140 flying in the low 3000'sfps with the highest three charges. I did not experience any pressure signs, sticky bolts etc..and dont want to continue pushing it since ive reached the speeds i was hoping for already.

from there i compiled all the data and looked at all the targets. Chose 3 midpoints between two charges that had the least vertical.

here is what I chose to test:

54.5 (between 54.4-54.7; these were 1/2" vert)
55.3 (between 55.2-55.4; these were 1/4" vert)
56.1 (between 56.0-56.2; these had zero vert)

loaded several of each charge and went out to the range today to test these loads. Temp was in the 60's but wind was pretty gusty and not real consistent.

54.5 gave me the largest group, roughly 2.25" at 200y and POI were not real consistent either

55.3 gave me a 1" group at 200y, with very little vertical (basically all in a straight horizontal line) SD was 11.5, avg fps was 2960fps

56.1 gave me a 1.5" group at 200y, more vert than 55.3, avg fps was 2995fps but sd was 19

pretty happy with 55.3gr load. šŸ‘Œā˜ŗļø
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