pain killer muzzle brake


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2009
Does anyone know the largest muzzle dia you can have to still match the 5 port pk brake?
look up fiftydriver in the search engine. His email is attatched to his posts. Thats who the best answers will come from. Then tell Mr. Allen what you want.
Copied and pasted from Allen Precision Shooting on Facebook. Please use as reference only get actual pricing and info from Kirby.

Allen Precision “PAINKILLER” Muzzle Brakes
Large 5 port Painkiller muzzle brake
Muzzle diameters: 0.800” to 1.100”
$350.00 installed
$250.00 loose brake

Medium 3 port Painkiller muzzle brake
Muzzle diameters: 0.600” to 0.900”
$285 installed
$185 loose brake

Small 3 port Painkiller muzzle brake
Muzzle diameters: 0.600” to 0.750”
$255 installed
$155 loose brake

Allen Precision Shooting
Home of the Allen Magnum, Allen Xpress and Allen Tactical Wildcats and the Painkiller Muzzle brakes.

Farther, Faster and Flatter then ever before.

[email protected]
They look good, I'd like an e-mail so I can get in touch with Ross and see what he can do. I'm trying to get a login to the forum right now. Thanks
They look good, I'd like an e-mail so I can get in touch with Ross and see what he can do. I'm trying to get a login to the forum right now. Thanks

Ross is a great guy, I have one of his brakeson a 6.5WSM pistol and it is very effective. Since he is not a sponsor here I pm'd the email addy instead of posting it here.
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