P-Dog rifle build: fast twist 22-250, .243, or something else???

And think about getting a smaller gun (223, 222, 204 ect.) for the closer shots.

I like what the above poster says.......

You can get a Tc Venture, Ruger American, or some sort of Savage in .223 and shoot less expensive, less of a barrel burning round, and be good to 300 yds with the accuracy provided by those rifles. I would then re-barrel your current gun in .243 or some other 6mm variant for the longer shots. I know that costs more money by having 2 rigs initially, but I think it would save you money over the long run. As you could also switch guns out as you like when barrels get super hot.

Good luck!
I like what the above poster says.......

You can get a Tc Venture, Ruger American, or some sort of Savage in .223 and shoot less expensive, less of a barrel burning round, and be good to 300 yds with the accuracy provided by those rifles. I would then re-barrel your current gun in .243 or some other 6mm variant for the longer shots. I know that costs more money by having 2 rigs initially, but I think it would save you money over the long run. As you could also switch guns out as you like when barrels get super hot.

Good luck!

As I said in an earlier post, I have an ar-15 in 5.56 that I use for most of my closer shots lol
I'm thinking more than likely it's going to be a .243...I just have one question on these. With my .260 AI I just built (parent case of 308, same as .243) I have to be careful on seating depth, I have a detachable mag but I'm still limited to 2.880", but I still had to play with bullet selection and seating depth to make it work, and this gun will be factory mag, and longest that will go in this mag is about 2.830". With a .243 shooting 105's or 115's, will I have COAL issues? Would it be better to go with a 6X47L or possibly 6xc or is there not really an issue with the heavies in a .243 in a rem. Short action?
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