Well-Known Member
So I have a Remington 700 sps chambered in 22-250 that has served me well, but the barrel is TOAST. So it's time to blueprint and rebarrel, but I'm flip flopping on what cartridge.
I want something somewhat standard, because it's a varmint rifle, Ill go through ALOT of components and may need to buy brass to get started. I burned 2 8lb kegs of Varget last summer, so barrel life is also somewhat a consideration....
I want this gun for shooting mainly prairie dogs from close to long range (1000+ yards at times) and at times in high wind, so good ballistics are necessary. BTW, this will be a heavy long barreled gun, match varmint contour or possibly strait, so I can go longer shot strings on a p-dog town on a hot day. This will be shot off a bench or off the hood/tailgate of my truck while shooting dogs.
I'm thinking tight twist 22-250, would shoot the 75-90 grain pills.
.243 shooting 105's or so.
Any thoughts or suggestions for other chamberings??? I don't want to go too much larger than a .243, this is a short action, and after all, for prairie dogs...And not really wanting to try any 20 cals, they aren't bad but they just don't do as well in winds. Anyone with experience with both that might have input? Thanks for any help guys
I want something somewhat standard, because it's a varmint rifle, Ill go through ALOT of components and may need to buy brass to get started. I burned 2 8lb kegs of Varget last summer, so barrel life is also somewhat a consideration....
I want this gun for shooting mainly prairie dogs from close to long range (1000+ yards at times) and at times in high wind, so good ballistics are necessary. BTW, this will be a heavy long barreled gun, match varmint contour or possibly strait, so I can go longer shot strings on a p-dog town on a hot day. This will be shot off a bench or off the hood/tailgate of my truck while shooting dogs.
I'm thinking tight twist 22-250, would shoot the 75-90 grain pills.
.243 shooting 105's or so.
Any thoughts or suggestions for other chamberings??? I don't want to go too much larger than a .243, this is a short action, and after all, for prairie dogs...And not really wanting to try any 20 cals, they aren't bad but they just don't do as well in winds. Anyone with experience with both that might have input? Thanks for any help guys