Optics for 300 WSM


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
I just bought a 300 WSM, Time Precision Action SLV Right Bolt Left Port. Single Shot Action. Kreiger 1/10 barrel 26" long. HS Precision Stock....basically its built with long range in mind.

I have alot of different scopes on my rifles, everything from Mueller and Bushnell to Leupold and Burris, with about everything in between.

I would like to spend around $500 for a scope, unless I hit it big in Vegas this weekend, it doesnt have to be new, I would like something in the 20x plus range.

Thinking another Leupold or maybe a Sightron.

Any suggestions?
The Sightrons are nice scopes and wont brake the bank. I have a SIII which is more than you want to spend, but you could look at the SII. I personally have never looked through one, but I talked to Sightron on the phone about them and they told me they use the same internals for tracking as the SIII.

Another is the VX-3. I have a 4.5x14 LR on a 300 WM and really like it as well.
i have the millet lrs-1. under 500 at swfa.com. best scope that i have used. lockable turrets, 35mm tube that comes with great rings.
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