Ok I am not a big fan of the 6.5 Creedmore

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That has been my whole point for over half a dozen posts. My point was that all the hype around the 270, 243 and 7mm being high velocity and flat was just hype. Because at the time the 7mm REM Mag came out high tech in scopes was mostly a clean cross hair in a 3-9 scope. Fancy was 4-12 power scope with a duplex reticle. No one had range finders. So for all that "flat high shooting high velocity" HYPE you were still in the same boat as the old 30-06.
Then you might want to find a way to better articulate your points. I summed it up in 2 paragraphs, and could have kept it 1, but decided to separate at the thought junction.

How was it hype? For ranges beyond 300-400 yards, the added velocity is very important for trajectory. While most of your average hunters do not possess the skills for longer range hunting, not every hunter hunts strictly inside of 400 yards where it doesn't matter...This is a LONG RANGE HUNTING forum. Most of us hunt 500+ on average.
Seriously Mud have you bothered to read what I posted. I mean this from a good place, how old are you and do you get confused easily these days? I ask because my younger brother just got diagnosed with pretty significant dementia at age 60. For the last 2-3 years he got easily confused and we wondered what was up. My advise is make sure your POA and MPOA as well as your other financial affairs are in oder because soon it will be out of your hands. SERIOUSLY !!!!!
That's funny... However, why it might appear that way, is because I gave so little of a **** about anything you said in your long overly imposed posts, that I simply skimmed most of it, or ignored it entirely, because I had a much better use of my time, like doing my geotechnical engineering job, to ensure that the road crew didn't screwup the new road bed they're putting in place that's going to be there for the next 100 years, than arguing with pompous windbags that like to hear themselves talk in an overly dramatic attempt to prove their point relevant, all the while honking their own horn.

Now, was this articulate enough for you to fully comprehend?
like doing my geotechnical engineering job, to ensure that the road crew didn't screwup the new road bed they're putting in place....

We appreciate your hard work...

Jus yankin your chain, bring that fancy crew up here. F'in roads don't last ten years here...
We appreciate your hard work...
View attachment 136103

Jus yankin your chain, bring that fancy crew up here. F'in roads don't last ten years here...
Haha. Yeah, we do a good bit more involved work than those professional sign-holders...Even though they probably make more money than we do, being that they are typically state employees. We work for a private firm. We have to use nuclear gauges to test densities and moisture content of each lift, and things that involve uber-strict certifications, and exposure times (radiation, etc...), and test asphalt and concrete, etc... We also have to know and follow FAA and DOT regs.
Good to know you're hard at it again. Not sure about down by you, but up here work like that shuts down towards the end of November.
This is a full-time gig, and you're right construction does have its slow season, so I'm sucking up all the hours I can while they're available. That's why my attendance here has been spotty the last several months.
Now, was this articulate enough for you to fully comprehend?
Ahhh Mud, thanks for the kind words. I knew that if we kept at it we could get you to at least a partial understanding. Keep up the good work, nothing better than nice smooth concrete when I am landing a 150 ton Boeing Jet.
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Ahhh Mud, thanks for the kind words. I knew that if we kept at it we could get you to at least a partial understanding. Keep up the good work, nothing better than nice smooth concrete when I am landing a 150 ton Boeing Jet.
No need to thank me, as I don't put down/screed the concrete, I test and monitor the materials and the companies that are doing so, to ensure that the site and all the materials are within spec.
F Class rig to PRS unit in 4 hours thanks to my Good friend. This is the first rifle to get me 10 of 10 on a 4 1/2" gong at 600 meters,,, the first to get me a 10/10 on a 7 1/2" gong at 900,,, the first to get me a 9 of 10 at 1 km,,, and the first to get me 3 of 10 on a 1450 12" gong...


Copy Cat M40 A3 with Laminated Cheery Wood / Birds eye Maple / Tiger Strips Grain. Jewel target trigger, Palma contour, Sightron 6-24x50...

Funny thing is that this 308 Creedmoor has harvested 2 Elk and handfulls of Deer at extra long range past the 140 yard mark...

This is what I consider LR,,, only hunt with in the shooters ability, and hopefully we have our rig sorted to pull it off.

This is only 1 of my main go to rifles for all... Not bad for a out dated cartrage that was designed 67 years ago,,, my new build is based on a cartridge design that is 100+ years ago from the folks over seas,,, it will reach waaaaay past what my PRS unit can do,,, same thing for hunting...

Close range long range with in its limits,,, the furry critters get to decide if it's a go or fail...

Like the old guy said,,, """One man's long range shot might be the next man's short distance,,, these checks and balances are part of the mix that make up for practical hunting situations...
This we learn for our selves with boots on the ground."""

PS: I can't wait for my next medium bore mid size cartridge,,, 2 to 3 weeks when my lead calls me when it's ready to rock... Another M40 build in a copy cat A1,,, good times come to those that dream it to reality...

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One thing I like is loooooong bullets and setting them at 20 to 40 thousands off the lands,,, its been a forever thing as long as I can remember... This wild camp shooting range I'm at this weekend requirs this... Ha... 25 feet on out to 1450 yards with well over 200 +++ iron goings & silhouettes...


I took both of my main shooters this weekend to make sure there dialed in for the hunting season coming up,,, 178's for my Re-fabb'ed 308 PRS rig based on a M40 copy cat design,,, the other launches 200's hot in 30-Ought ' 6,,, don't get me wrong,,, I love shooting both of these units close up or out at distance,,, but my shoulder and body can only take so much...

This is beating 4 on the body this season,,, ok,,, more like number 20 since I've been running since the begining of the year that is,,, LOL... Just closing in on the 1000 + mark of chucking lead,,, I know now why I'm scaling back a bit after this go round...

Same size case as the Oh-6,,, pretty much the same proportion length of booltiz to diameter to keep the rockets flying straight,,, and a fraction less recoil for plinking,,, general target competion,,, predator control,,, and a limited stint big game hunting,,, that part of my world is slowing down... Its more about big gaming less the bringing home part these days... Ha

That's what happens when we have beef cattle on the go,,, limited space in the 3 freezers these days,,, that and the kids aren't into the wild game thing...

So,,, I had my mid weigth Remmy LR rocking last night,,, a few shots at the 800 meter buffalo,,, some on the 16" gong,,, then a swack of booltiz towards the 1450,,, I could get them to kick dust all around the 12" up there,,, but zero for hits... Ha...

Waaaaay to Windy to tag the miniature button,,, my soon to be new unit will solve that part of the puzzle...

A little less boolti recoil,,, a fraction better flight path,,, and a body that won't mind spreading this out with better odds of staying on track,,, this is what a parshall scaling back idea will do for me,,, the 175 to 208 gr days are finally winding down,,, LOL...

40 years of this if I recall,,, thank the Supreme Bean that I capped it at 400 ish grain booltiz back in my 375 H&H days,,, that old school pipe hung a lick'en on me back then... Ha...

Hopefully there's some rime to reason that I'll see once I get my new unit running,,, loooooong booltiz seated off the lands as planned,,, and a few more years of good times...

Kinda like paving my own trail to get me some where to no where,,, lost in the forest is a good thing in my books... LOL
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The old school Ought-6 Sherman was rocking last night launching the 200's...
Zero at 100 with 55.25 MOA to the 1438 meter gong,,, that's one hot load fore-sure... Ha...

The make up for this is """about""" 2900 ish ft-per seconds for my 65's spitting out 140/42 gr booltiz,,, this will cut my recoil by a 1/3 easy....let's not forget that this is iron gong work and """Not Hunting...""" big difference... Ain't no way I'd push my limits past the 350/ 400 ish mark... My old school idea of of 17 to 1800 lb energy will remain as normal... Who knows,,, maybe my Sherman will remain as the hunting gun only,,, only time will tell...

So,,, why not the 30 caliber 150/ 168 grain'ers,,, my simple is that I'm not a fan of low SD & BC booltiz,,, nor skating to far back from JAM,,, buy bottom feed allows for loooooong seated boolitz,,, so I run with it,,, plus the 200+++ grain leads show signs of super tight compressed verticals,,, not alot of difference between the 180 to the 200's on up to 7 and 900 meters,,, but past that distance is when this spread becomes """"more""" of a factor... LOL...

Today is a prime example of Denver Colorado winds,,, possibly 7 to 11 MOA for the 1438 gong,,, that's not saying that 14.50 to 17 +++ might need dialing on the side optic... LOL...

This is where loooooong booltiz shine,,, at least in my books,,, the idea of heavy was the real plan behind my train of thought,,, but some long time competion shooter schooled me on this... Ha

I guess old dogs can learn new tricks...

Sorry to the folks in Wyoming,,, we sent about a billion tons of forest fire smoke down there a few days ago,,, don't put away the dust masks yet,,, 29 fires burning with no signs of rain for the days ahead...

Cherry from the Burning North
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