Nikon lazer 1500?

I'd say pass. My nikon 800 doesn't live up to it's 800 yard "claim." It's only good out to about 600 on non-reflective objects.
I am assumeing you mean the monarch 1200 LRF. This is a very good range finder for the money. I have an old buckmaster 800 and it is good for about 600 non reflective and 800 only in the absolutely best conditions, but the newer monarchs have better electronics. I've played with one and was pretty impressed. I'd get one before the Leupy RXIV. The biggest check against them is the fact that the optics are pretty dimn compared to the Leica and swaro (Can't even compare). But the ranging ability is quite good for only $400. If you want an inexpensive range finder that will serve you in daylight like mid range varmint hunting I think it would be hard to beat. JMHO ;)
I have Nikon 1500 Elite and like it. I have ranged bushes and trees to 1200 yards. Cows 1250 1250 and deer to 600 yards. If angle is wrong or light is wrong then all things are hard to lazer. I am happy with mine so far but to be honest I have not compared it to anything else in real world trials.
If i remember right the way the nikons run is the 800 is good to about 600yds, the 1200 is good to about 800yds. what you really need to do is take the range finder to some place where you know the range of some game sized targets and then see what your rangefinder will pick up. coming from a guy who sales em and has tested a whole lot of them i would tell you the optimal range finder for the money is the Leica CRF 1200, it will get you consistantly out to 800yds on deer sized animals. The bushnell 1500 elite is also a really good unit for the money and while alot bigger than the little leica it will range a little farther.

the golden boy sittin on top of the mountain is the swaro. consistant ranging on game sized animals out to 1100-1200 yds and large targets in good conditions out to even 2000yds! its pricey but the only reason you would ever replace it is if they would make the aiming reticle a little better in it, or if you hit the dang lotto and could afford a Vector!!!!!

The main thing is to find a range finder that can give you CONSISTANT preformance at the range you are looking for. tons of rangefinders will range a target for you at 800yds one time or 1100yds another time, but in the long run when you need them they will fail you in that critical moment or worse yet give you slightly off range and cause a wounded and lost animal. you also need to find a rangefinder that will allow you to range smaller targets or allow you to range targets that are somewhat obscured. soemtimes the buck is standing between 2 trees and you may think you are ranging him but actually you have ranged the trees and he is 50yds behind them.

that is my long winded way of saying buy one of the high end range finders and dont look back. you will thank your self in the long run

take it easy
Leica LRF 1200

I just upgraded from a Bushnell Elite 1500 to a Leica LRF 1200. CameraLandNY (one of LRH sponsor's) had them listed for $429 including shipping. They delivered in about 2 weeks.

I haven't had a chance to use it much yet but out in the rocks and sagebrush I think it added at least 300 yards to my rangefinding capability (from about 800 or 900 to 1200). I had no problem with the Bushnell I just wanted more range. The only thing negative to say about the Leica is that it isn't waterproof (I don't think it's going to be a problem as long as I don't drop it in a creek) and that it doesn't stay on as long as it should (hit the button to turn it on, try to steady up to zero in on the target, rangefinder shuts down before I'm ready and I have to start the process over). I still much prefer the Leica.
I have a Leica 1200 compact and I consistantly get ranges up to 1300+ on trees and 1100 on cows. I have not had the chance to laser a deer yet at long range. I used to have a Nikon 800 and I have never got a range over 600 yards on anything organic(including trees). I did pic up a water tower at night at 922 with it. I would shell out the extra money for the better one even if you have to wait a little longer to build up funds.
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