night force redical

+1 for the NPR-1 if it's just used for target.

If it doubles as a hunting gun I personally prefer the NPR-2 or the MOAR. I just find that those two pop better against a dark background.

Nightforce Rifle Scopes

All good choices!! The top 3 in my book. I do hunt with a NP-R1 and no issues for my type of hunting. That included 19 big game kills with the same rifle this season and one was at 800 plus yards 15 minutes before legal shooting hours closed.

Note the MOAR is a very nice reticle in 1 moa graduations. But the subtension lines are twice as thick as the R1 and R2. This could be good for your type of hunting depending on distance and terrain. But for the long pokes that a 338 LM are capable of I prefer the thinner lines.

I'm running the NP-R2, no complaints here. I think overall, the NP-R1 may be a little more user friendly.

Here's a pic of the NP-R2 at ~1100 on one of my steel dongs.


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Broz, I'm pretty sure it was on 22x... not entirely sure. I can tell you this, trying to take a picture like that is a PITA. I haven't quite completely figured it out. The camera & scope don't seem to play nice together.

One that matches your turrets. I see alot of scopes with mil based reticles and moa turrets and vise versa. To me I dont care what i use (mil vs moa) but the reticle HAS to match the turrets. I want to adjust what I see
Broz, I'm pretty sure it was on 22x... not entirely sure. I can tell you this, trying to take a picture like that is a PITA. I haven't quite completely figured it out. The camera & scope don't seem to play nice together.

LOL, Yep I have been there. Even got one with the reticle on a Bucks shoulder. Try that when the sucker keeps moving...:D I have found sticking your tongue out the corner of your mouth sometimes helps...:rolleyes::D

LOL, Yep I have been there. Even got one with the reticle on a Bucks shoulder. Try that when the sucker keeps moving...:D I have found sticking your tongue out the corner of your mouth sometimes helps...:rolleyes::D


:D Now that is good stuff. Between swearin & spittin i'm pretty sure i'd bite my tongue lol I'll have to try one on a critter next time out..

Thanks for the laugh.
Here is a shot through my 8-32 NP -R2 on my 1000 yard lite gun set at 32x. Pic is one of my bait spots at 1000 yards. Actually steel is at 996 and the pile is at 1007 behind the steel. I prefer the NP-R1 on my hunting guns..this shot is out of one of my bench guns.


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