New March scope released at IWA show tomorrow .

The reason for "why" on 6 - 60 was in part "because they can". But also there is no need to keep playing around for 5x or 6x ratios. The High Master lens system allows for 10x ratios, so why would you go any less? With the current optical technology we shouldn't be messing around with anything less than 8X zoom ratios at this point. Which we are seeing from multiple manufacturers right now.
I can not say I have been impressed by the quality of glass in these high zoom ratios. 4-5 seems to be as good as you can do and keep the resolution. Love March scopes, but optical quality is not one of the reasons why.
I can not say I have been impressed by the quality of glass in these high zoom ratios. 4-5 seems to be as good as you can do and keep the resolution. Love March scopes, but optical quality is not one of the reasons why.

This has not been my experience. At IWA there is a target outside, that is setup by S&B. We went to the very back of the hall (nearly 3 times the distance the target was setup for) and then took a look at the smallest target they had setup. This photo was taken using a cell phone camera, at 3 times the distance the target was intended for, through the tinted front glass of the exhibit hall. It is an air rifle target. The blue tinge is from the tint they have on the front windows. I think it is pretty remarkable that you can clearly make out the bullseye from that location. The second photo I have included is a bare bones image from the same location on which I have marked the location of the target through the glass. I think it is pretty remarkable considering the weather, and other obstacles between the scope and target. If you look closely up at the front glass, you can see the S&B test area with people checking out scopes on those targets.



Also, if you don't like the reticle. Don't worry, you will have different options and this was simply a prototype/test design. The Gen 2 scope has a different reticle, and the Gen 3 has even more revisions plus the other reticles March makes.
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I have owned and sold a bunch of Marches. The HM glass is an upgrade but I wish they would back off the 10x mag. Even the HM glass is way behind the NF 15-55x glass. I am no fan of that scope but the glass is un matched in a rifle scope so far. We line them up regularly at 1k matches and its unanimous. I'd like a 20-60. I like my 2.5-25 for hunting, the range makes sense for that app. March is great because they hold zero, and track, glass quality takes a big back seat to mechanics IMO, thats why I became a dealer, just being honest.
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Alex if you ever get a chance , have a look through a few Hensoldt optics . The
ZF 4 - 16 , and the SAM are better to my eyes than the NF , and are much older
designs . A few guys run the 55 in my neck of the woods , but there is always
the question of tracking , as you know . I've managed to break ( or experienced
a failure ) in more than my share of high end optics . Hensoldt and March are
the only two manufacturers to remain failure free in my hands .
IMO, the glass in my March 2.5x25x52 is superior to my NF(NXS/ATACR), Vortex AMG, and Huskemaw scopes. While under typical daylight conditions the March may not appear as bright as some, the glass/coating used in the March appears superior in its resolution, and more importantly its ability to filter out. the orange haze created by low sun conditions. For deer hunting this particular attribute has great merit.
^^^ Good point , most of us are shooting at things other than paper targets .
Here's the latest MOA reticle version , screenshot from March UK website .
Top image is 6x .

CL, is that the production reticle design or one of the prototype reticles?

Offtopic....Hensoldts are in league of their own for HTI applications ☺

I don't have a answer , but the same reticle is on the US website too . Production
versions are a few months away so details could change I suppose . Sounds like
you have been behind a few Hensoldts too !
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