I will also say I have had two different shooting chronys and both have given wild extreme spreads yet the loads prove out at distance.
The first is with h1000 and 215 Bergers.
This is 208 amaxs and h1000.
This is Retumbo and 215 Bergers. This pic is rotated. Left is on top.
Bryan Litz tested the Shooting Chrony against an Oehler and several other chronies. The Shooting Chrony accuracy was off 0.7%, but it had reasonably good precision, and he gave it a passing grade for load development work. He seemed to like the performance of the CED M2 best in the <$400 category. The $800 PVM-21 was dog by comparison (poor precision).That's because you were using shooting chronys. The best you can do with them is to shoot them.