My sons 2nd deer


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2015
So I like to look back on past years hunts from time to time and thought I’d share this story.

The 2016 deer season opener was particularly warm by MN standards (low 40’s) but I wasn’t complaining because we’ve had far colder. This was my 11 year old sons second year of deer hunting.
Wind conditions were favorable for our stand location so we made the mile long hike well before dawn to ensure we arrived at our stand about a 1/2 hour before legal shooting time.
Thankfully I planned a little extra time for short 11 year old legs and all the extra that goes into getting dressed and safely into an elevated portable deer stand.
We got to our stand clean without spooking any animals on the way in. By the time we were situated we only had to wait 15 to 30 minutes for legal shooting time to arrive. Our stand was positioned about 75 yards downwind off of a heavy swamp edge where several deer trails come and go. It was almost flat calm with a very slight breeze in our face. Perfect.
Shortly after legal light I decided to do a short rattle sequence followed by a few doe bleats and buck grunts, not something I usually do but conditions were ideal. It wasn’t long after (maybe 20 minutes) I could hear a deer coming through the swamp towards us. I told my son to get ready and helped him reposition slightly. His gun was at the ready as I saw the deer step from the swamp and head our way. I caught glimps of antler and told him it was a buck. Any buck was fair game for an 11 year old. The buck was very slightly quartering towards us and stopped inside 40 yards. My son mistakenly let the safety “snap” instead of quietly rolling it forward. The buck came to full attention immediately! Thankfully the gun went off before he realized what the noise was. It was the most amazing experience... the buck was hit square on with a .270 win shooting a 130gr Barnes TSX bullet at 3050fps. He reared up and went right over backwards and never moved after.
My son was all smiles and couldn’t wait to get down. I made him wait a little and replay what just happened. After some photos and field dressing lessons he was feeling pretty good.
The question I’ll never forget him asking...
“Dad, how old were you when you shot your first 10 pointer?” Great memories! So thankful for the freedoms we have.


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Great job! Also kudo,s to Dad for not only involving his son in hunting and the outdoors but for also helping keep our sport alive one young man or lady at a time👍👍👍👍👍
So I like to look back on past years hunts from time to time and thought I’d share this story.

The 2016 deer season opener was particularly warm by MN standards (low 40’s) but I wasn’t complaining because we’ve had far colder. This was my 11 year old sons second year of deer hunting.
Wind conditions were favorable for our stand location so we made the mile long hike well before dawn to ensure we arrived at our stand about a 1/2 hour before legal shooting time.
Thankfully I planned a little extra time for short 11 year old legs and all the extra that goes into getting dressed and safely into an elevated portable deer stand.
We got to our stand clean without spooking any animals on the way in. By the time we were situated we only had to wait 15 to 30 minutes for legal shooting time to arrive. Our stand was positioned about 75 yards downwind off of a heavy swamp edge where several deer trails come and go. It was almost flat calm with a very slight breeze in our face. Perfect.
Shortly after legal light I decided to do a short rattle sequence followed by a few doe bleats and buck grunts, not something I usually do but conditions were ideal. It wasn’t long after (maybe 20 minutes) I could hear a deer coming through the swamp towards us. I told my son to get ready and helped him reposition slightly. His gun was at the ready as I saw the deer step from the swamp and head our way. I caught glimps of antler and told him it was a buck. Any buck was fair game for an 11 year old. The buck was very slightly quartering towards us and stopped inside 40 yards. My son mistakenly let the safety “snap” instead of quietly rolling it forward. The buck came to full attention immediately! Thankfully the gun went off before he realized what the noise was. It was the most amazing experience... the buck was hit square on with a .270 win shooting a 130gr Barnes TSX bullet at 3050fps. He reared up and went right over backwards and never moved after.
My son was all smiles and couldn’t wait to get down. I made him wait a little and replay what just happened. After some photos and field dressing lessons he was feeling pretty good.
The question I’ll never forget him asking...
“Dad, how old were you when you shot your first 10 pointer?” Great memories! So thankful for the freedoms we have.
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