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Most Underrated Cartridge


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2017
We've seen countless posts about best cartridge. How about one for the great cartridges that for one reason or another never became really popular.
A couple suggestions I have is:
240 wby- have one, love shooting it and it's a laser beam with a 95gr bullet at 3225 and there's more room for powder to burn. I think with a 1:8 barrel and the heavy 6mm would be pretty nifty
280 AI- I've thought this a great round offering enough bullet/velocity for most North American game with acceptable recoil.

What's everyone's thoughts on the most underrated cartridge?
The 284. Win I feel like is a little underrated around here. Not so much in the benchrest world. But on a long action, good neck length, seat the longer 180's out and get good velocity for minimal recoil!

270. Win is one of the best cartridges going and is still one of the best selling calibers. I don't think it's an underrated cartridge as it's hugely popular, but I do feel it's power is underated when it comes to say the average hunter/firearms salesman. They are always "informing" people that it isn't enough for big game which is total bs.
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morning, the 250sav. and the 6.5 rem. mag. r very underated, but the 2 loadings do not get advertisement of other cartridges. I have custom made in both loadings. game
animals do not know what caliber is used to harvest there meat.

Most underrated cartridges are anything that uses a .257 bullet or 8mm bullet. Look at the bullet manufacturers and factory chamberings, and you'll understand what I'm saying.

The U.S. has decided a long time ago that they're not worth using, which is a **** shame...And our loss.
Most underrated cartridges are anything that uses a .257 bullet or 8mm bullet. Look at the bullet manufacturers and factory chamberings, and you'll understand what I'm saying.

The U.S. has decided a long time ago that they're not worth using, which is a **** shame...And our loss.

I'll agree with this. There are several quarter bores that make excellent cartridges (I've even thought about buying a .257 Roberts even with my proclivity for bigger super mags).

I'm also a big fan of 8mils. The 325WSM never caught on, but I love mine. I have never been able to render a complaint about it, except maybe a feed issue that is easily resolved.
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