Meopta Optika6 vs Vortex PST Gen 2

I have the 5-30 optika 6. It's been on 2 different .300 Win mags, and probably close to 800 rounds. no problems to speak of, I just wish it had a couple different features(capped windage) but, it was on my back for over 50 miles of hiking in Colorado this year and didn't have a single problem when it was party time.
Bit of an old thread, but wanted to see if anyone had any new insights or used the two a bit more.

I'm looking for a range scope out to 1000y FFP and was thinking about the PST gen II vs Meopta maybe $800-$900. And for a hunting scope SFP in $500-$600 range. I know they're impossible to find so no timeline really. Just looking at the various Meopta vs the PST.
Well one key insight I will give you is that the Meopta Optika6 is not available in the United States with the MRAD reticle. Therefore it is not much of a choice.

After, 7 months of waiting, I canceled my order for the Meopta and I ordered the Athlon and the Vortex to compare. I may keep both as I have rifles for a both.
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