Memory Loss

Darn I hate when I walk into a room and don't know why I am there! Worst part is Jill always asks me what I looking for. I have a solid answer anymore. I tell her "Yesterday". 🤣
I never sleep anymore. Oreo our outside cat wants out at 0230 every morning and sticks his wet nose in my eye socket to get me up. I hate wearing my Cpac and at 0530 Cassie grabs my hand with her wet mouth and wants out. I can set our clocks by our animal's needs.
I know when I go into REM, I have weird dreams.
Len, think you have good idea of what might be causing a good chunk of the problem. Sleep is our body's means to have healing occur so I would try to regulate better sleep pattern to get "weird dreams"!😂 With sleep that is....
Just my opinions...
Another perspective could be that you have an enormous amount going on. With your recent surgeries, rebuilding your shop, and life's hurdles in general. I would bet you are not sleeping well, just from pain/serious discomfort. That in itself will affect your daily tasks. For now, as most of us do when we get a little older, write things down and try to get a bit of extra rest when you can. As others have already stated, as we get older, certain things will obviously change to some degree. It is how we adapt to those changes...allowing us to continue caring for the ones we love and striving to enjoy life.
God Bless you and your family!
Len, biggest impact upon memory or even "intelligence" is the lack of REM sleep the older you get. It seems we the geriatrics fail to continue consistent sleep habits which results in our dip switches not being reset when we wake up. I know I am definitely more fuzzy on lack of REM sleep.
The hard part is as soon as I start REMing, I start hurting and wake up.🤔
I think part of it is as you get older you help take care of your older family members. Watching dementia progress and trying to figure out how to deal with it makes us more sensitive to things we wouldn't have worried about when we were younger. I remember thinking I needed to try and keep my aunt and uncle grounded so I would correct their confused thoughts. I eventually learned all that did was make the mad because what they remembered or saw was real to them. I learned to go with the story or hallucination and find an answer they were ok with. Now when I forget things it scares me to death. In reality I think it's over reacting to things I can't forget.
Not wanting to derail this thread and I don't usually advertise my personal life. But Muddy is 100% correct about the sleep and healing, not just physical but emotional and psychological healing as well.

January the 12th the love of my life passed away suddenly, 5:45am she was giggling about the fact she had 30 more minutes to stay in bed as I kissed her and told her I loved her while on the way out the door to work, 3hrs later she was gone from a possible blood clot that reached her lungs. I have been dealing with that, her 2 children, work and her family, my emotional and psychological tanks are empty. I have resorted to carrying a small note pad and taking notes. I have trouble some days stringing together a logical sentence, remembering if I have eaten, paid bills and sometimes where I am on a project at work.

I have always been able to recall processes from my days in R&D(20yrs ago) and how we overcame obstacles, now I do good to remember what I did a few hours or days ago.

The brain is a very complex organ, but it needs that recharge that we get from deep sleep. My Apple Watch sleep apps haven't shown any meaningful REM or deep sleep in the past 30 days and it's beginning to take its toll.
Oh crap, Darryle, you are absolutely NOT derailing anything! SO sorry to hear that! That has to be the most horrible thing a man could endure!?
I'll send some prayers your way.
If there is anything I can do to help, just send me a PM.

Sometimes, I get bogged down by whats going on in life. But it seems like about the time I start feeling bad I hear about someone who has it worse.
Keep your head up and let me know if I can help!
Not wanting to derail this thread and I don't usually advertise my personal life. But Muddy is 100% correct about the sleep and healing, not just physical but emotional and psychological healing as well.

January the 12th the love of my life passed away suddenly, 5:45am she was giggling about the fact she had 30 more minutes to stay in bed as I kissed her and told her I loved her while on the way out the door to work, 3hrs later she was gone from a possible blood clot that reached her lungs. I have been dealing with that, her 2 children, work and her family, my emotional and psychological tanks are empty. I have resorted to carrying a small note pad and taking notes. I have trouble some days stringing together a logical sentence, remembering if I have eaten, paid bills and sometimes where I am on a project at work.

I have always been able to recall processes from my days in R&D(20yrs ago) and how we overcame obstacles, now I do good to remember what I did a few hours or days ago.

The brain is a very complex organ, but it needs that recharge that we get from deep sleep. My Apple Watch sleep apps haven't shown any meaningful REM or deep sleep in the past 30 days and it's beginning to take its toll.
Dude, I hate that like button, for this post. I feel for you, man. Sometimes, I think Life Sucks. But then, something positive will come at me from an oblique angle, and it's interesting again. Hang in there, man. You can.