Maine bear hunt

WV Sendero

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
West Virginia
Planning on going to Maine this year for an archery bear hunt. I am interested in North Country Lodge and was wondering if anyone has been there or heard anything about their hunts.
I went to Maine bear hunting one time. The guide we choose was not a good choice. We were up around Patten, just east of Baxter State Park. Of 7 guys, only 2 were able to see and get a bear, and neither weighed over 130lbs. I was shocked to find out that other guide services were placing hunters in the exact area we were hunting. Each day that we went out we past passenger vans with hunters being placed at baits. The area was supposed to be private land, which it was, but it was leased from the power company. The locals use these areas as public land. This was the first time I had ever been on a "guided" hunt, and I don't see myself doing it again. I really hope your experience is better than mine.
I have been bear hunting in Maine since 1985 and have heard some good things about North Country,but that was a while back.I do not know if they are owned by the same people now.Of all the places I have used up there I settle in to a place called Deans Den.Run by Dean Paisley and Randy Bossie.Hear the one I got last year


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I hunted with Jim Morse of North a Country Advenures as he donated a hunt to the a Wounded Warrior Project and I was one of the lucky ones selected. There were two warriors and one laying client in camp while we were there. Jim had great stand sights that were all getting visits by bears. He let us look at each site and take our pick. I saw bears the three days I sat in the stand and on the third day took a very nice bear. We hunted an area next to the largest Pete bog and blueberry fields in the country. Jim let us go out and help fill the buckets and learn how to become MasterBaiters and I even got a t shirt saying so once I left. It's was a great hunt and I'm sure any of the bear hunt lodges in Maine can get you on bears as it seemed like there was a lot of them.
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