Lyman Case Trimmer problem


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
Central Maine
Anyone else having problems with their Lyman Case Trimmer? One of the "fingers" that holds the head of the cartridge keeps popping off the case head when I lock it down. Any advice with their Customer Service?

OK, How about "Buy a Wilson"?

Does that finger look different (deformed, dirty, etc.) from the others?

If you do not use the neck pilot, how much wobble is there at the cutter end? It could be a bent collet or misaligned some how, such that when you put in the neck pilot, it forces the case out of the collet after you start turning it.

Forster recommends that you put the pilot in the neck before tightening the collet on the case. Does that help with yours?

Hope this helps, but if you want to replace it with something else, I highly recommend the L.E. Wilson trimmer. No neck pilots needed. Case holders work for different cartridges that share the same basic case body (i.e. 243/308 is one holder, 270/30-06 is another, etc.) Sinclair sells some really nice accessories for it, but they are not necessary, and without them, the Wilson is actually a pretty inexpensive trimmer.

Thanks Andy! Believe it or not the finger still pops off the brass even when the case is aligned in the neck collet! I don't trust it being squared up without a good solid hold on the brass.
All I can think of is it was mfg. out of tolerance or something like that....I've got a email into Lyman right now...We'll see what happens.

Those Lyman universal holders are easy to use and tend to work well but they can fail. The guts are quite simple and easy to fix for most things.

I had a simular problem. Took out the two screws and removed the cover, checked the two fingers. One was slightly bent (I probably over-tightened it myself) and the rim gripping surface was somewhat rounded. I lightly tapped it flat and used a small grinder to restore a clean corner on the rounded edge. Cleaned and reoiled it, reassembled. It works fine again.

The Wilson works fine and the cost is reasonable...until you start buying case holders for a lot of different cartridges!
An update to this....I never got a reply from my email inquiry to Lyman but yesterday I get 4 little screws in the mail about 3/8" long with no acknowledgement to my email, instructions, explanation of a problem...Nothing.
Tah Dah!...Lyman gets another email from me.:rolleyes:
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