Long pistol/short rifle?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2001
Casper Wy
I was going to sell a couple of rifles to finance a pistol project when I realized I may have just what I need ...Well almost?
The BATF says a rifle has to have a barrel longer than 16" with an overall length of at least 26". I put a tape to an old left handed Savage I've had for years to find that if I cut the stock off right behind the palm swell and make sure I dont screw a barrel on it shorter than 16" it would easily pass BATF rules.
I didnt get any takers when I put this action and stock up for sale for $300 and a striker or target action are gonna run me $400 + 3-4 hundred for a pistol stock. Times are tuff and a dallar around here squeels on its way out:D
So I guess my question would be is this a pistol or rifle by pistol compitition rules?

Boy that left handed action sure is tempting for a handgun build. However I am going to avoid it for the following.

1. If a action comes from the *factory* with a long stock and barrel on it, it has been designated as a rifle.
2. Being designated as a rifle no amount of money nor is there paperwork available for converting it into a handgun. It is also a Federal crime to convert it into a handgun and the barrel length has nothing to do with it.

3. If a guns comes from the Factory designated as a handgun, I may convert to a rifle once. And forever more it is a rifle.

Late last week I ordered a undesignated left handed stainless magazine fed long action only from Savage. Jerrys in PA lists the moly righthanded version of the action at $352.50 to the door (FFL). Savage just recently started releasing lefthanded stainless actions in undesignated form. SO shortly I will own a long action striker repeating handgun in 338 Edge. Ordered through Jim Briggs at Northland Shooters Supply. 763-682-4296.

Many sell and now Savage are selling actions only for our builds. Wholesalers and builders are transferring or purchasing ACTIONS only for their builds. When the consumer fills out that pretty yellow purchase/record form, you designate it at that time as Action only, or handgun or rifle.

2. Being designated as a rifle no amount of money nor is there paperwork available for converting it into a handgun. It is also a Federal crime to convert it into a handgun and the barrel length has nothing to do with it.

I would not be making a pistol out of it!! This will very obliviously be set up for long range shooting and not for concealment. Per BATF rules a shotgun must have a barrel of +18" and an OAL of 26", a Rifle must have +16" and be 26" OAL. So it remains a rifle as far as the feds are concerned.

There is that shoulder fired clause though=Dang I thought I had it covered, guess I'll put a call to the ATF boys down in Cheyenne for a last ditch effort to be cheap.

The undesignated actions would be the safe way to go for sure but they are large shank and require a spendy stock. I've got a striker lined up and prefer going that route for barrels shorter than 16" as small shank barrels are a lot easier and cheaper to find.
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Hammertyme, you are confused about pistols being converted to rifles. A designated pistol action may be converted to a rifle and, at a later time re-configured as a pistol. Many XP-100 Rems have been used to build BR and Varmint rifles. There is no law against pulling them down and rebuilding them as pistols.
You use to be able to apply for and purchase a "stamp" from ATF that would allow you to change the configuration from a "rifle" to "handgun".

I'm not sure that is available anymore, but it would be worth a call to ATF to find out

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