Well-Known Member
I know that this forum site is full of patriotic men and women, from across this great country of ours. A love of the outdoors and patriotism are two beliefs which most if not all of us members have in common. Anyways I just went too see the new movie out Lone Survivor. The movie is based off the true events in the book Lone Survivor. It is best thing that I have seen coming out of hollywood in way too many years. I have read both of Marcus's books, and would suggest them as a good read too anyone. Marcus is a great american who is still serving our country, by helping our returning warriors, who are having problems dealing with the hardships of wartime. He founded the lone survivor foundation to do just this. If any of you would like to see a great movie and help support a great american here is your chance. And I would like to thank any members here who have served. Thank you for all the sacrifice that you and your families have made defending our freedoms. God Bless