
Official LRH Sponsor
Jan 23, 2016

We are only 13 rounds in, and the rifle is doing very well.

Grs Bifrost Stock, Benchmark Barrel 8.5 twist drop in, Savage Action with 1lb trigger spring, APA little Bastard Break, Atlas Bipod, Northland Shooter Lug, and Vortex PST Gen 2. We are shooting new Nosler brass that has been neck turned and sized only.

The powder is Reloader 26 with Fed 215 M primers. The charges have been 64.5-66.5. 2840-2900 fps. The ES hasn't been great but not worried yet.

We are getting .36-.42 MOA right out of the gate!!


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Just for reference, I ran up to 68 grains with the 180 VLD, seated .020" off lands, in a factory 26" remington that was around 3025 fps, on a new barrel. Settled on 67.8 grains going 3015, shooting around .5 MOA. This was in Federal brass, with no pressure signs. So if your not seeing any pressure yet, I would say you still have a little bit to go. Currently shooting HBN coated vld's at 3060 from the same gun with 68.7 grains, it gained a little speed after the first 100-150 rounds, and the HBN helped. I loaded up to 70.1, even with HBN this was VERY hot. I would net you will hit pressure signs around 68.5 give or take. Looks like it's doing good!!
Just for reference, I ran up to 68 grains with the 180 VLD, seated .020" off lands, in a factory 26" remington that was around 3025 fps, on a new barrel. Settled on 67.8 grains going 3015, shooting around .5 MOA. This was in Federal brass, with no pressure signs. So if your not seeing any pressure yet, I would say you still have a little bit to go. Currently shooting HBN coated vld's at 3060 from the same gun with 68.7 grains, it gained a little speed after the first 100-150 rounds, and the HBN helped. I loaded up to 70.1, even with HBN this was VERY hot. I would net you will hit pressure signs around 68.5 give or take. Looks like it's doing good!!

At 66.5 it was just slightly flattening the primers, you could barely see it.
At 66.5 it was just slightly flattening the primers, you could barely see it.
I find primers to be about the least consistent way to judge pressure, primer cup hardness varies from each manufacturer, and it shows. Also cratering can show on lower pressure loads if the fireing pin hole is sloppy on a rifle. Measuring the web, primer pocket stretch, case head markings, bolt lift, velocity and primer as a whole seems to get the best results. On one of my remingtons if you just looked at the primer, you would think it is about to blow. But the brass has lasted over 10 fireings, never had any ejector marks, velocity usually had single digit e.s., no heavy bolt lift, etc., but the fireing pin hole was sloppy and I had cratered primers.

Not trying to stand on a soap box by any means!! Hopefully it's just a similar case, would be nice to see ya get more velocity and lower e.s. as ya work up!!
I find primers to be about the least consistent way to judge pressure, primer cup hardness varies from each manufacturer, and it shows. Also cratering can show on lower pressure loads if the fireing pin hole is sloppy on a rifle. Measuring the web, primer pocket stretch, case head markings, bolt lift, velocity and primer as a whole seems to get the best results. On one of my remingtons if you just looked at the primer, you would think it is about to blow. But the brass has lasted over 10 fireings, never had any ejector marks, velocity usually had single digit e.s., no heavy bolt lift, etc., but the fireing pin hole was sloppy and I had cratered primers.

Not trying to stand on a soap box by any means!! Hopefully it's just a similar case, would be nice to see ya get more velocity and lower e.s. as ya work up!!

Good copy. Hopefully.

Anybody run 3 powders at the same speed and look for ES improvements, and have all the data to share?
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I did so with H1000 and Reloder 26 when working up in the same 7 mag, in this particular gun H1000 had 25-40 fps e.s. at 3000 and Reloder 26 had teens for e.s. at same speed, and could also get more speed. H1000 pressured out for me around 3000-3020 fps, with the accuracy node around 2930ish. RL 26 had a good node at 3000-3020ish, and another at 3050-3075.

Hopefully someone else can tell their results. I know many people use H1000 and Retumbo in the 7mm mags with great results.
I have a sako A7 rough tech range with 26 inch barrel chambered in 7RM. I am using retumbo with cci br2 primers getting single digit es using 180 eld-m. The velocity is 2983. I do anneal as well I found this to help.
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I did so with H1000 and Reloder 26 when working up in the same 7 mag, in this particular gun H1000 had 25-40 fps e.s. at 3000 and Reloder 26 had teens for e.s. at same speed, and could also get more speed. H1000 pressured out for me around 3000-3020 fps, with the accuracy node around 2930ish. RL 26 had a good node at 3000-3020ish, and another at 3050-3075.

Hopefully someone else can tell their results. I know many people use H1000 and Retumbo in the 7mm mags with great results.

very nice, we might get to some head to head comparisons today
I have a sako A7 rough tech range with 26 inch barrel chambered in 7RM. I am using retumbo with cci br2 primers getting single digit es using 180 eld-m. The velocity is 2983. I do anneal as well I found this to help.

How are you annealing?
Good copy. Hopefully.

Anybody run 3 powders at the same speed and look for ES improvements, and have all the data to share?

My accurate velocity node is at 3031 FPS using Retumbo and H-1000 with HBN coated 175 EH. I run single digit ES with H-1000 and an ES of 31 with Retumbo. Oddly enough POI is identical with both loads out to 1200 even with the high spread I see with Retumbo. I’m running Hornady brass annealed after every firing with 215M primers. Seated .005 off the lands at 2.753 CBTO. All this is being run through a 26” Remington 9.25 twist barrel.
My accurate velocity node is at 3031 FPS using Retumbo and H-1000 with HBN coated 175 EH. I run single digit ES with H-1000 and an ES of 31 with Retumbo. Oddly enough POI is identical with both loads out to 1200 even with the high spread I see with Retumbo. I’m running Hornady brass annealed after every firing with 215M primers. Seated .005 off the lands at 2.753 CBTO. All this is being run through a 26” Remington 9.25 twist barrel.

Retumbo has always been high for us in ES
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