Light Weight .338 WMs?


Oct 23, 2008
How many have a light weight .338 WM (i.e. 7lbs or less)?

If so could you please provide details?
What did you do it lighten it?
How does it shoot?
What optics / rings are you using?
Favorite handloads?
What is your purpose for the light weight .338 WM?


My Tikka T-3 light stainless with Nikon Monarch 2.5x10 Mil Dot scope comes in just over 7 pounds. A fantastic lightweight carry gun for elk. Got to shoot the 200 grain bullets in it to limit recoil. I shoot the 200 grain Swift Scirrocos with a .507 BC at just over 3100 fps. Deadly on elk out to 600 or so yards.
My Tikka T-3 light stainless with Nikon Monarch 2.5x10 Mil Dot scope comes in just over 7 pounds. A fantastic lightweight carry gun for elk. Got to shoot the 200 grain bullets in it to limit recoil. I shoot the 200 grain Swift Scirrocos with a .507 BC at just over 3100 fps. Deadly on elk out to 600 or so yards.

Thanks. No one else?? Especially interested in Rem 700 configurations???

You asked for the best light 338 for the money and I gave it to you. I have been carryig a 700 remington stainless synthetic through the mountains elk hunting the past week but it is heavier by far. It is a 338 ultramag that will reach out a bit further than the 338 win mag and that is why I carry the extra 1 1/2 pounds or so. Also has a brake to control heavy recoil. With the light 338 win mag you need to stay with bullets 200 grain or lighter. The barnes under 200 grain are very good also. The BC is not great on the light bullets but this is not a long range rig anyway and will take elk out to 600 or so like I said. The Swift 200 at .507 is the best I have found though.
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