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Leupold vs Vortex

As with any product, the answer depends on what model/price point you choose. That said, as much as I like the Leupold line of scopes, I feel that they are over-priced, compared to Vortex. I also don't find their choices in reticle to be attractive until you get up there in price. Same is true with their lowest First focal plane model. You can't argue with the quality and clarity, but comparably speaking, I think the vortex line is much better feature set for the money. I own several of both.
I have a vortex crossfire2 4-12 on my deer rifle for pa and I really like it for all the more it cost. I've had 2 different leupolds and I just couldn't get it adjusted right for me. No matter what either the view or the reticle was clear but never both.
I think Luepold glass is better for comparable models. VX3 is better than Vipers. VX5 or Mark 5 is better than razors IMO. All are good functioning scopes and I have never had issues with either brand but I like Luepold VX5 for my hunting rifles
Both are fantastic optics. Leupold is slightly over priced in my opinion as well for what you get compared to similar priced models from multiple companies, even Nikon stepped up there game at the end. I shoot more vortex now but there isn't anything wrong with leup and planning on trying a mark 5 for the next one unless I get another deal on the razor gen II
I only have 1 Vortex. A Viper. The glass is clear and it always shoots good at the range but the last 2 years hunting with it has caused me issues.
In a shooting position that is not ideal seeing thru the scope has really annoyed me. If my eye is not perfectly centered I can not see anything and if my eye is just the right distance away from the scope I can not see anything. I realize that being consistent with good technique is important but for me the Vortex just doesn't work.
I have a VX 5HD, a couple of Zeiss Conquest and some higher end scopes and have never had the problem I do with the Vortex. Gonna get rid of it, but that is just me.
I know other people that love theirs.
I dont plan on going back to any VX3 scopes either. But that is because of other reasons.
I think Luepold glass is better for comparable models. VX3 is better than Vipers. VX5 or Mark 5 is better than razors IMO. All are good functioning scopes and I have never had issues with either brand but I like Luepold VX5 for my hunting rifles
This is going to sound weird, but I would basically say the opposite in every case.

That said, Plinker147 is not wrong. I believe he has looked through them all and sees them that way.

I have looked through them all and see Vortex as superior at every level.

In reality most scopes at the same price are quite similar technically.....then there are things like knob feel, color, brightness, etc. That will generally set your final direction.

Don't forget Athlon.
Idk I own both brands if your comparing apple to apples price wise it's probably a wash. I did buy a pair of Leupold Mark AR 6-18's a couple years ago in preparation for a prairie dog hunt and already had a couple of that exact scope I'd purchased a few years earlier. One of the new scopes had some internal issue which wouldn't allow me to use it with a 20moa rail it wouldn't zero. I called Leupold and kind of got the run around. I should of sent it in but just used it with a 0moa rail and figuring oh well maybe no more Leupolds in the future.
I purchased a Viper HST 4 -16x40 a few years ago perfectly fine acceptable scope. Last year I bought a VX3i 4.5-14x40. Brightness and clarity head and shoulders better than the viper. In fact the 14x on the Leupold magnifies better than the 16x on the Vortex. Just my 2 cents.....
I have a few of each in various price ranges. As others have pointed out, when you compare price points equally, quality will be similar and choice comes down to features. Most don't even know what to look for or how to describe various glass qualities and in the end it will come down to how each looks to your eye and what features you desire most. Overall, I think the largest advantage of Leupold is they are relatively light weight.
Tough to even have the discussion because it ultimately becomes a "Which is better: Ford, Chevy, Dodge?"

Your eyes, budget, type of shooting, and experience with various grades of optics will lead you to your final decision. If all you've ever used is sub $200 scores, then a vx3 is a huge upgrade. If you're consistently shooting 300+ yards, you probably never considered a sub $200 scope.

I love leupold and don't much care for vortex unless it's the Razor line of products. In general, you get what you pay for - very evident with optics.
I have a vortex crossfire2 4-12 on my deer rifle for pa and I really like it for all the more it cost. I've had 2 different leupolds and I just couldn't get it adjusted right for me. No matter what either the view or the reticle was clear but never both.
there is a +/- adjust but lupolds are a pita to adjust vs a vortex that is simple turn out i fight that same issue on my 1.5-5 but its a me problem because it depends on which contacts i use...my colored contacts are 1 step stronger and field is clear but reticle goes out clear contacts same adjustment reticle gets wonky. i gave up its on a brush gun anyway
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