Leupold service - excellent


Active Member
May 8, 2001
I would like to thank the people at
the Leupold service department. I sent an older 6 1/2 X 20 target to Leupold on 6/24/02 and was returned to me on 7/01/02 -
only 8 days total time!
I requested if possible that they could have it back to me for the World Open Super Shoot at the Williamsport 1000 yd range on 7/06 - 7?07.
They gave the scope a complete internal inspection, mechanical inspection, visual inspection 100%, replaced the objective lens assembly, and rebuilt/reworked the erector system. They also re-Collimated it too.
With service like this, I'll keep buying Leupolds for the quality, price, and the best service available.

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